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xii. billy hargove!

steve harrington had noticed that something strange was happening down at starcourt mall and dustin attempted to make contact with the 'griswold family' group through the walkie talkies. the only response that the received back was a screech from a creature, and wendy felt her heart sink.

steve stood and started running away from the group, sending wendy in a panic.
"where are you going?!" erica sinclair asked.
"to get them the hell outta there! stay here, contact the others!" steve yelled back and wendy's eyes widened.

the teenaged girl scurried to get up and run over to steve.
"steve, stop!" wendy yelled out, running after her boyfriend.
"wait, wendy!" dustin called out.

wendy turned back around, and dustin tossed her a walkie.
"stay in touch." he insisted.
"got it!" wendy nodded and ran after steve once again.

"are you out of your mind?!" wendy got into the car with her boyfriend.
"you weren't supposed to follow me, wendy! i don't want you to get hurt again!" steve yelled at wendy as he started up the car again.

"i'm not letting you go alone! i'm not going to lose you again, steve." wendy matched his tone as he started driving down the hill and to the mall.

steve's foot never left the gas as he tried to make it to the mall as fast as he could.
"you're crazy and i should've never dragged you into this. you would've been better off without me." steve harrington spoke again, his volume back to its regular level.

wendy felt like she had been punched in the chest, she knew that he meant what he said. this was the only time that steve had ever thought about breaking up with wendy, he knew that it would be for the greater good and for her safety. the silence became deafening as steve harrington kept driving.

tears pricked at wendy's eyes as she finally saw the bright lights of starcourt mall. steve swerved into the parking lot, and the couple saw a car speeding towards nancy wheeler as she fired shots at it.

wendy perked up as she realized that it was billy hargrove in the car. steve felt his blood boil at the sight of billy, and he only increased the speed of the todd father. wendy's eyes widened with fear as she realized what steve was about to do, she gripped onto the door and her seat as she felt the impact of the cars colliding into each other.

the car came to a halt and steve let out a sigh, nancy wheeler looked towards steve and wendy.
"oh shit." wendy gasped as she saw billy's car catch on fire

"are you okay?" steve let go of the steering wheel and looked over towards his girlfriend.
"i'm fine, are you okay?" wendy shot back at him, touching his arm softly.

the two heard the sound of the mindflayer and stood in the convertible, looking up towards the top of starcourt mall. a horn honking caught their attention and nancy wheeler yelled for the two to get in the station wagon. the couple didn't hesitate to get into the back of nancy wheeler's car.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

as the kids threw fireworks at the mindflayer, wendy watched as billy grabbed eleven and dragged her towards the creature. she could see that el was struggling under billy's grip. blasts of blue and red ignited in front of the two, hitting the creature.

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