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viii. ignorance is bliss!

susan carmichael had a close bond with her sister—they could tell each other everything and still love each other at the end of the day. and of course, susie had a bond with wendy's boyfriend, steve. she loved how he always told funny jokes in attempts to make her and her older sister laugh. susie always remembered when the middle school girls would ask troy about his older brother, steve 'the hair' harrington. often late at night when she would try to fall asleep, susie would think about the made-up scary stories steve and wendy would tell about the alien-like creatures that they had to fight off in their quest to live.

the fourteen year old walked into the hallway, needing to go to the bathroom. she could hear her parents talking from their bedroom.
"she's lost her mind! what if she's missing, richard?" lori carmichael sighed.

curious of what her parents were saying, susie creeped over to their door and peered through the small crack. her father was lying down in the bed while her mother paced back and forth in front of the foot of the bed.
"she's not missing, lorraine. she's probably out with harrington or one of her other friends." richard dismissed lori's concerns non-chalantly.

susie began to think about where her sister could be—she was either out with steve or she was off doing god know's what. the youngest carmichael came to the conclusion that wendy was doing the latter of the two since she remembered wendy saying that steve had lied, which made wendy upset.

before her parents could catch her, susan carmichael walked back to her room. the fourteen year old girl took a seat on her bed and let out a sigh.

"damnit wendy, where are you?" susie whispered to herself.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

wendy and the others had gone to tom's house, trying to piece all of the clues together. it wasn't until nancy remembered mrs driscoll in the hospital that the teenagers realized what their next step would be.

wendy carmichael was on babysitting duty for the younger teens while nancy and jonathan went to go find out more from mrs driscoll. the seventeen year old girl let out a sigh as she looked down at her shoes—she just wanted things to be normal again. she didn't even know how she got into this mess in the first place. she just wanted to get away from—no, she thought. i shouldn't be thinking like this. i love hawkins, weird aliens and all, she continued to think.

she glanced up and looked over, seeing mike and el looking at something while max and lucas were reading a newspaper together, they sat a couple of seats down from her. wendy's eyebrows raised once she saw will stand up to look at the flickering lights.

"will?" wendy questioned as the other kids glanced up towards him as well. she stood from her seat and walked over towards will, the orhers joining as well. all of their eyes peered up towards the buzzing, flickering lights. will byers reached up, touching the back of his neck.
"he's here."

"guys we need to find nancy and jonathan." wendy initiated, starting to walk past the receptionist desk. the receptionist started to scold the teenagers, but they didn't care; they had a bigger problem to solve.

the group of six ran until they heard the sound of monstrous growling and jonathan, eleven didn't hesitate to bust the door down with her powers. the group saw the creature, wendy's eyes went wide.
"holy shit!" she gasped.
"jesus!" mike interjected.
"what the fu—" max was cut short by the creature stalking towards them before letting out a roar.

eleven yelled, holding her hand out and dragging it right, left, up, down—the creature flying in the same directions, wailing in the process. wendy saw nancy crouched in the corner, she looked scared for her life. hell, wendy would be too. el dropped the monster to the ground, it tried to rise but el was too powerful. the young teenager screamed, holding both hands out as she sent the creature flying out of the window.
"go!" eleven pushed jonathan forward to go comfort nancy.

as wendy and the kids rushed down to go see where the monster went, wendy couldn't help but to wonder where steve was and what he could have possibly gotten himself into. the lights outside of the hospital flickered all around the group as eleven held the group back from the creature. they all watched as it shifted and crawled its way towards the sewer grate.

"dear god i think i'm gonna throw up." wendy gagged as she watched the bones and miscellaneous pieces move and filter through the grate. 

"now what?" lucas asked the group as everyone looked at each other, still processing what had just happened.
"what do you mean now what?" max questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"well we can't just go home and pretend that it didn't happen." lucas responded.
"lucas is right...but, i can't stay in these clothes any longer. i need to change." wendy shook her head as she looked down at her outfit in disgust.

"i agree, i need to get out of this." nancy made a motion towards her dress that had been basically ruined.
"i say we all go home, change or whatever, then meet back at hopper's cabin. got it?" mike offered.

"got it." the group agreed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

wendy had to practically sneak back into her own house to avoid her parents' questions. she snuck in through her window, just as steve had often done during late nights. wendy got out of the shower and wrapped her towel around herself. she made sure to quickly scurry down the hall and into her room before her parents woke up.

when she got into her room, she found susie sitting on her bed. uh oh.
"shit!" wendy cursed.

susie had her arms folded over her chest, ready to be on defense.
"where were you! you didn't even call!" susie came at her sister.
"lower your voice before you wake up mom and dad!" wendy whispered as she walked over to her closet.

wendy pulled out a plain white t-shirt, a striped tank top, and denim shorts before setting all of the clothing on her bed.
"answer my question, wendy." susie was starting to get annoyed.

wendy had a dilemma—was she supposed to tell her sister the truth and have her insist on coming with, or should she lie and keep her sister safe? ignorance is bliss, they say.

"i was out. can you please just cover for me if mom and dad ask? say that i'm at nancy's house." wendy brushed through her dyed blonde hair. she fished through her drawer for socks and such.

"why can't you just tell me where you were?" susie scoffed.
"susie, if i told you, you wouldn't believe me. now get out while i get dressed." wendy shooed her sister out of her room.

susie carmichael exited her sister's room, leading wendy to shut her door. the eldest carmichael daughter leaned against her door and let out a sigh.
"i'm not even sure that i believe what's happening." she whispered to herself.

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