A Phone Call

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-Normal Pov-

The sound of an alarm clock stirred the sleeping figure who was still sleeping in their bed not wanting to wake up from the dream they were having.

The figure pulled out there arms from the sheets and tries to smack the alarm to shut it up but cause they couldn't see it they couldn't hit it, instead their hand caught the side of the sidetable which caused a cut to form down the side of their hand causing them to sit up to look at it properly.

"Great another reason for him to be mad at me know" the person said before getting out of the bed and headed towards there bathroom were they cleaned the cut before banding it up.

After that they started getting ready for work, when they came out of the bathroom and looked at the time they noticed that they were running late ..... again.

Running out of there appartment whilst grabbing the bags they needed before locking up, they started to run all the way to the train station were they caught the train that took them to were they work.

Half way there they noticed that someone was ringing them as there phone vibrated in there pocket, digging it out they answered the phone after smiling when they noticed it was an old friend of theirs.

"Hello, Sky-san"

'Hello Mai-chan, listen there's a reason i'm calling you whilst at work' the male called Sky answered before Mai could say anything about him ringing her whilst he was working.

"Go on" Mai spoke know seriouse.

'My boss wanted someone to come an do a case for him down at his house, you see he hears screaming or sounds of a fight going on in his house but when he would look there isn't anyone there'

"Right, hey why don't you come in and see the boss about your boss case" Mai said as she noticed her stop was coming up.

'Sure what tme'

"I'll let you know when i'm at work" Mai replied back whilst laughing, earning Sky to laugh as well before he replied back to her 'sure you're running late again ain't you?'.

"Yes but i have to go but i will text you with the time" Mai said before they both said their goodbyes and hung up and just as Mai hung up she started running of the train and all the way to S.P.R building where she knew that once she walked or ran through those doors she's gonna have someone telling her off.

Sorry it's short but it was all i could put together for this chapter but hope you like it.

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