A New Case

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-Normal Pov-

"Stupid jerk" Mai muttered under her breath for the tenth time since she arrived at work late.

Since Mai had arrived late for work, Naru has been asking for tea every minute he could just to make her angry, Mai was just half way walking towards the kitchen when the bell ontop of the door chimmed letting them all now there client or someone else has walked in.

Turning round to see who it was, Mai noticed the lad standing there with an older guy 'must be his boss' was all she thought before walking towards them both.

"Hi, my name is Mai Taniyama how can S.P.R help you" Mai said whilst smiling at them both which earned her a smile back.

"Hello i'm here to see Mr Shibuya, my name is Mr. Holloweds" the old man said whilst still smiling before turning to point at the lad next to him before saying "and this is Sky, he is working for me at the moment".

Mai smiled at them both before leading them to the sofa whilst she went to get Naru and Lin before making everyone a drink of what they want.

Knocking on his door Mai waited till she heared him say come in before opening the door and saying "Naru the clients here" before leaving and heading to Lin's door were all she did was knock three times before walking towards the kitchen were she made everyone there drinks.

Walking out of the kitchen Mai noticed that they all were waiting for her to come back in before starting.

Naru watched Mai as she placed everyone's drinks in front of them before turning to Mr. Holloweds.

"Can you tell us why you think you're place is haunted?" Naru said whilst picking up his drink before sipping it gently.

"Yes, well you see things have been happening for a while know, at first it was alright, you know things being moved or things going missnig but a month later it started to get worst.

People would be skratched or pushed over, chairs and sofa's would move on there own.

"2 Week's ago is when things got out of hand" Mr. Holloweds said whilst looking at Naru right in the eyes.

"How come?" was Lin's reply as he stopped typing on his laptop and looked at the guy.

"Well at first we started hearing banging noises, like someone was having a figt but those would be quiet but soon after there would be a loud bang like something was thrown through a wall or something. Soon after that people would go missing first to go missing would be a lad in his late 20's then afterwards a child around the age of 5 would go missing.

When we would find them they would be dead but we would always find a message wrote in one of the vitims blood next to them"

"What would it say?" this time it was Naru who asked, who also got the answer from Sky who spoke this time instead of Mr. Hollowed.

"It would say 'this isn't her, i'll keep killing till i find her' in the vitims blood which we find out that the blood it would be wrote in would belong to the male vitim and not the child."

Lin and Mai were frozen in shock as they listened on before they both looked to Naru who was looking at the man and lad before looking at Lin and Mai then back to the two before saying.

"We'll take your case, leave your address and phone number with Mai and we will see you tomorrow around 1" Naru said whilst pointing to Mai before heading into his office before shouting out "AND CALL THE TEAM MAI AND MAKE SOME MORE TEA".

"Stupid Jerk" was all Mai muttered before doing what he said to do.

Sitting in the chair at her desk, Mai pulled the phone before dieling the number she knew to well before waiting for that said person to answer there phone.

'Hello' a male voice said as soon as they answered there phone.

"Hello John-san" Mai replied back cheerfully.

'Oh hello Mai, how can i help you?' John's voice replied back.

"Naru's accepted a new case and i was wondering if you would be able to join us tomorrow before 8?" Mai asked whilst picking up a pen so she could write down who would being coming and who wouldn't be with there reason for why they won't be coming.

'Of course i will join Mai-Chan' was John's reply which Mai jotted down on a piece of paper.

After saying there goodbye's Mai started dieling Monk's number before calling the rest afterwards.

As she was waiting for Monk to answer all she could think to herself was 'We have a new case' before smiling at the thought.

Sorry if this isn't another but i'm typing as i go along LOL but i hope you guys like it.

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