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-Bou-san's Pov-

It's been a while since we came back from outside with the girl and now her and Lin were outside in the hall way argueing, i couldn't hear what they were argueing about, honestley i didn't want to even find out.

I was sat next to Mai who was still sleeping humming a song when all the sudden Mai shot up scaring the living daylights out of me.

-Mai's Pov-

I had just shot up from my sleep and startled Bou-san who fell onto the floor earning everyone to laugh at him part from Naru and "wait were's Lin?" i asked when i noticed he wasn't in the room.

"Oh he's outside in the hall way argueing with someone" Ayako spoke which caused everyone to go quiet as we all heard mummering voice from the close door which got louder but what shocked us next was what Lin shouted "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER" before he slammed open the base door and walked in leaving who ever he was argueing with out in the hall.

We all watched Lin walk over to the monitors, where he then sat down and as soon as he did that everything i dreamt about came back to me 'Lin's my fathers brother . . . .wow' was all i thought about before the base door was slammed open and in walked . . . . "GON" i shouted shocking eveyone and making Lin and the pure white haired girl to freeze.

I watched her turn to look at me before she said "what did you call me?" with shock in her voice.

"It's what your called right or should i call you Dragon?" i said whilst smirking at her knowing for a fact that i knew her

"Impossiable. . . wait she carn't be?" i heared her mumble before she was right infront of me but before she could say anything Lin was inbetween us both "don't even go near Mai" Lin said in a dangerous voice which would of scared anyone but knowing that it wouldn't scare her for the last time i knew they were seeing each other.

"Why not Lin" i asked softely whilst placing a hand onto his back but Lin didn't say anything back to me so i just stood up and moved round him to look at the girls face "hey it is you Gon" i said before pulling her into a hug but she didn't hug back as she was in shock again.

"Mai get away from her" i heard Naru say but i refused to listen to him and instead i huged her tigter as i looked at Naru and said "why Naru?"

"Because she's dangerous" was all he said as he took me wrist and pulled me away from her.

"Naru just wai. . . " i started to say but he cut me of by saying "no Mai you listen to me remember i'm your boss"


"No but's" was all he said as he pushed me into Bou-san's arms who was just as confused as i was.

-Normal Pov-

After pushing Mai into Bou-san arms Naru turned to look at Lin before saying "what do you mean she killed your brother?".

Lin looked at Naru and the others from the corner of his eyes before saying "i was only 20 when it happened ok, i had an older brother he was 23 at the time, he, his wife Mina and their daughter my niece Maiya lived on their own land ontop of a hill which if you look for it know you wouldn't be able to find it as your carn't see it. You see me and my family are witches and wizards, my family are powerful witches but one day Mina's brother hated the idea of his baby sister being together with my brother but when he found out that she had his daughter he went mad. He tried to kill them even his sister which he succeded but 2 years before she was killed my brother and sister-in-law wanted Maiya to have a protecter and teacher incase anything happened to them, which i then introduced them to Dragon the most powerful being alive in our world.

She had been staying with my brother and his family for those two years but soon she had to return to her own place which when she did my brother lost his wife, but after 2 weeks Dragon returned back only to find out the lose of my brother wife so she made an ice grave for her" Lin said but was interupted by Masako who whispered "ice grave?"

Lin looked at her before nodding "yes an ice grave, only a powerful witch or wizard could do that but my brother or his family couldn't do that and yes they were powerful but not that powerful but an ice grave is were the person who died is covered in ice so when its been like 400 years they still look the same as they were they day they died and it never melts too even in the sun"

"That's so cool" Yasu said before Lin went back to telling them how his brother died

"Anyway the day she came back and found out that she made a ice grave for his wife ontop of the highest hill were they lived so he could see her everyday, since then Dragon stayed to teach Maiya some spells and how our magic works as ours is different to hers but one day whilst playing in the garden Maiya was attacked my brother and Dragon killed the creatures that were after Maiya but when things got out of controlle word was sent to our family asking for help as my brother's house was being attacked by his wife's brother but when i got their the house was in pieces, there was blood everywhere, Maiya was missing and so were Dragon and my brother.

I searched all day for them but only found my brother, who was in a ice grave just like his wife and also next to his wife and since that day i haven't seen Dragon and i've been searching for Maiya who's still missing"

When Lin was finished with telling them about his brother everyone was quiet but that wasn't long enough as Naru asked what they all were thinking part from Mai, Gon and Lin.

"What's it got to do with her" was all he said whilst pointing to Gon

"HEY I HAVE A NAME THANK YOU" Gon shouted earning everyone to jump but not Mai and Lin again.

"Then what is it?" Ayako asked her

"People call me Gon but my really name is Dragon" at that everyone was shocked Dragon from Lin's stroy about his brothers death was standing right infront of him.

Everyone was quiet again until the sound of skin hiting skin was heard, everyone including Lin and Mai looked towards Gon who was stood in shock as Madoka was stood infront of her with her hand raised whilst Gon was holding the side of her face.

"How dare you come here, how dare you stand infront of Lin and say you didn't kill his brother murderer" Madoka said with an angry voice whilst glaring at her with Ayako, Monk, Masako and Naru.

Gon looked at Madoka before getting into her face and saying dangerously low "you don't even know what went on that day neither does Li. . . " 'SLAP'

Gon was cut of by Madoka who once again slapped her.

"You don't even deserve to say his name" Madoka hissed at Gon.

Mai got out of Monk's grip just as Madoka was going to hit Gon again but this time instead of her hand hitting the side of Gon's face it instead hit Mai's as she jumped inbetween them both.

"MAI" Gon and Naru shouted with Monk and Ayako as Mai kneeled down to the ground whilst holding her face infront of a shocked Madoka.

"I don't get why your mad Madoka but i know for a fact Gon didn't kill Lin's brother" Mai said whilst letting her thringe cover her eyes.

"How would you know Mai, you weren't even there" Monk said to her before pulling her up of the ground but Mai pulled away from him but before she could say anything she heared Gon's voice "Stop it Mai there's no use, i'll be leaving but your father would be proud of you little . . . bluebear" Gon said as she walked out of base with everyone watching her.

As soon as the door was shut everyone went back to what they were doing but Lin walked over to Mai and grabbed her arm before leading her into the base kitchen.

Once in their all he said was "why did she call you little bluebear and how did you know her?", Mai looked up at Lin before answering him "my father used to call me little bluebear before he died and i've known Gon before my mother passed away" after telling him that Mai walked away from him and out of the kitchen and went to help Naru and Yasu with the history of the place they were at.

Meanwhile Gon was walking away from base and went to the roof were she sat and listened to the wind but all the time she didn't even noticed the eyes that were watching her.

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