Chapter 2 - The Glade

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Authors note:

Thanks so much for all the support!

22 views already! That’s incredible!

Whether you’re here from Tiktok or one of my friends, thanks so much! I will try to be doing updates daily on the christmas holidays, and while I’m doing online school but once I get back I may have to post maybe once every 3 or 4 days. Also do you prefer longer chapters and less updates a week, or shorter chapters and updates everyday nearly?

This chapter is longer than the previous lol. Hope you enjoy!


 ~ Delilah’s POV ~

I don’t know how long I spent in that cage - an hour, a day? - but I eventually awoke to a voice. It was a deep voice with a strong accent. He said something out loud like:

“It’s a girl”

I didn’t know what he meant, 

Yeah I was a girl, so what?

I finally gathered the courage to open my eyes. Before me stood a tall, blonde boy.

He must’ve been the boy that called out! 

I looked up to see many more boys gawking down at me. 

“I call dibs” a boy from further back in the crowd said.

“Hey! Be quiet! She’s scared! You know what it was like on your first day!” The blonde boy replied.

At least he seems nice. I thought.

He looked at me one more time before saying “Name’s Newt greenie, and welcome to the glade”

Greenie? What on earth could that mean? And what was the ‘glade’?

I curled up further against the wall. I couldn’t remember anything, only my name, and now these boys expected me to trust them?!

“Look I know this is overwhelming but it will be ok! Please trust me!” Newt whispered to me again as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I looked him in the eyes, they were hazel but kinda green at the same time. He gave me a gentle look, I don't know why but it made me feel safe.

 I guess getting out of this horrid box couldn’t hurt.

“What’s your name?” A boy at the front asked - apparently called Alby.

“Delilah” I replied

“Welcome to your new home, Delilah” He smiled back at me and for the first time today I felt happy...

~ Newt’s POV ~

It was a bloody girl! I couldn’t believe it! 

We’d never had a girl in the glade before. That’s just how it is, every month the box brings up a new greenie, always a boy. 

I tried to comfort the new girl, reassuring her it would be ok. Finally, she opened her eyes to take a look around.

Her eyes. They were incredible.

One of them was a shade of blue whilst the other was half brown. They were stunning.

Wait what did I just say? Did I just call the greenie’s eyes stunning?

She then announced her name - Delilah. Minho snapped me out of my daydream. “Newt, aren’t you going to help her out?” 

“Oh yeah! I’m so sorry!” I muttered to her. She reassured me with a smile as Gally helped lift her out of the box.

It was my job to show her around the glade - being second in command and all. I took Delilah around her new home, showing her the homestead, the slammer, the walls, the dining area. Then I told her about the three simple rules to the glade:

“Don’t harm another glader, Never go beyond the walls and that everyone must have a part, no slackers”

“What’s behind those giant walls?” Delilah asked

“The maze” I replied “It's a giant puzzle filled with horrible monsters called grievers”

“That sounds lovely.” 

I laughed. Maybe Delilah would become one of my close friends? At least she had a good sense of humor.

“Anyway I have to ask you something, you don’t have to reply if you don’t want to.” I told her

“It’s about my eyes isn’t it.”

Wait how did she know?

“Yeah, you don’t have to say anything,” I continued,

“No it’s ok, I get it.” she replied “All I remember is I was born with them and I’ve been insecure about them ever since”

“But they’re incredible” 

Oh my god, what did I just say. I’m such a slinthead.

“Um, thanks” Delilah’s mouth curled into a smile

Why was I being so nice to her? I just really wanted to be friends right? Right?

A W.I.C.K.E.D game (a newt fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now