Chapter 6 - The Jobs

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~ Delilah’s POV ~

“Alright there greenbean?” Alby called out to me.

I’d just finished my breakfast with Newt and Minho when Alby came up to me and told me that everyday for this week I would be training for a different job and at the end of the week the council would decide which job I’m best at.

“So I don’t even get a say?” I asked him,

“Sorry but no, that’s just how the system works.” 

I sighed in misery.

“What job will I be trying out today?”

“A Medjack”

I walked over to the homestead after saying goodbye to Newt and Minho to be greeted by two boys called Jeff and Clint. Clint had blonde, shaggy hair that covered his eyes and Jeff had short, brown hair. They looked friendly enough.


“To tie a bandage you must tie a knot and use one of these pins to cover loose ends, get it?”

This was so boring. I didn’t want to be a medjack but I knew I would never be able to do the thing I really wanted to do - become a runner.

“Are you even listening to me?” Clint asked.

“Yeah, yeah” I replied sleepily.

“You should really think about getting more sleep, it helps with concentration ya’ know. Take it from a medjacks point of view” 

“Sorry, I was up kinda late last night doing stuff”

“What stuff?” he asked

“Nothing! Just going over the rules with Newt” I said that too quick.

“You like him!” 

“No I don’t! Can we please get back to the bandages!”

“Fine” Clint muttered with a smile on his face.

Maybe I did like Newt? How could I know I’ve only known him for a day!

Finally Jeff let me break for dinner. I was exhausted! Clint said that there were never this many boys that were injured in one day and he complained to Alby that the gladers were purposefully hurting themselves just to see me! I could never be a medjack. I was terrible at it.

“So, how was your day?”

I knew who it was from their accent. I looked up to see those hazel eyes. 

“Newt all the boys were purposefully injuring themselves to see me! It was a nightmare!” I sighed

“Geez I’m sorry.” He laughed. I joined in, it was pretty funny I must admit. He sat down in a seat next to me after getting his meal from the chef Frypan.

“My fingers feel like they’re going to fall off after how many bandages I had to tie because the slicers kept cutting themselves!”

“Speaking of slicers that’s the job you’ll be trying out tomorrow.”

“Seriously! I hate killing animals! I’ll be worse at that then I am at being a medjack!”

“What do you want to be then?”

Did I seriously want to tell Newt?

He raised one of his eyebrows.

“A runner,” I said.

“Lyla you can’t be a runner!” 

What did he just call me?

“I- um sorry” Newt’s cheeks went pink.

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