the hospital wing

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" Alright you two will be able to leave today but you boy will have to stay " The nurse told. Tom and Marcus were free to go. That meant that Artimus had to stay inside for the night. " And what about Donnie? " Artimus asked. Thankfully Donnie was on the bed next to Artimus. " He needs rest, we will talk about it once he wakes up " The nurse said as she took off her gloves and walked over to the rest of the students who were involved into the fight. " Will you be okay? " Claire asked as she walked towards Artimus. " Yes " He said and gave her a soft smile so that she wouldn't worry. Lilith was looking at Tom who was currently talking to Cassandra. She felt bad for him. The black eye would hurt for sure. Marcus looked at Lilith and took her hand, leading her out of the ward.

Once they both went inside the common room and into his dorm room , Marcus closed the door and locked it. " Why were you staring at Riddle? " He asked in an aggressive tone " Is it because you want to fuck him? " . Lilith took a few steps back, Marcus was scaring her. " What? " She asked. She couldn't believe he asked her that. How could he. " You heard me right you little slut ". He seemed to be full of rage. " Marcus you're scaring me " Lilith said in a soft tone before Marcus grabbed her wrist. " Marcus you're hurting me " Lilith said. " I don't care " Marcus replied. Where did the kind and soft Marcus go? Who was this man? " You and I are over " Marcus said. Lilith stopped looking at her wrist and moved her gaze up to look at him. " What? Why? " Lilith asked in a trembling voice. He was breaking up with her. " You heard me, now go " He said he let go of her wrist, a small marking on it from the force be used to hold it. Lilith unlocked the door and got out. Where could she go?

Her eyes were red, filled with tears. She couldn't let go of them. Not yet. She began to run through the corridors, hoping that she would find a vacant place where she could cry on her own. But she couldn't find any place. It was the afternoon and hogwarts had every student of it everywhere. No place was vacant. Even the bathrooms. She ran towards the quidditch pitch which was probably empty and went under the stands. She then began to cry. She curled up, her legs close to her chest, and cried until no more tears were left. Once she heard footsteps coming towards her she tried to wipe her eyes clean. " Are you okay? " It was Lestrange. " Yes. " Lilith replied, looking away from him. " What are you doing here? " She asked him. Well, of course he couldn't say that he was going to get his boyfriend's stuff that he left because he was injured. " None of your business " He replied in a snarky tone. Lilith got up and walked away from the quidditch pitch only to see Tom walking her way. Once Tom noticed that she was crying he rushed to her and brought her close to him placing his hands on her cheeks. " Why are you crying? " He asked. He was full of concern. He seemed to be genuinely worried. " Marcus broke up with me " Lilith said while sniffing her nose, her red eyes and red nose being indicators that she was definitely crying for a long time. Tom hugged her tightly. He placed his hand on the back of her head and held her close. He did not let go for a good minute. Once he let go he wiped her tears with his thumb and kissed the top of her head. A soft smile appeared on her lips. And as Tom held her hand they both walked back to hogwarts.

Artimus woke up in the middle of the night on his bed at the hospital ward. He had a bad dream. He looked on his right to see something he did not expect to see. He saw Donnie who was still asleep and Lestrange on his side. But he was asleep too. And he held his hand. Artimus thought that maybe he should wake Lestrange up before someone else would wake up or walk in. He got up slowly and walked over to him. Gently shaking his shoulder he tried to wake him up. Lestrange got up immediately and looked at Artimus and then back at Donnie. " If you say anything about this to anyone I'll slit your throat open, understood? " Lestrange said in a serious tone. Artimus chuckled " I won't tell anyone but holy shit I did not expect that " . " Keep your mouth shut okay? " Lestrange said again in a more serious tone. Artimus nodded and watched as Lestrange walked out of the ward. He did not believe that Donnie and Lestrange were dating. Artimus had a small smirk on his lips as he walked back to his bed and covered himself with the sheets and fell asleep again.

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