the astronomy tower

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The time had come, it was finally midnight. Lilith got up and stepped out of her dorm room as quietly as possible. She looked around the corridor before running through it. Her blonde hair waving in the air and her smile was brighter than ever. Tom got up before his friends did. His friends were planning on staying up until Tom came back. So that they would be able to listen to what will happen with the two of them. " Are you sure no one will find you two ? " is friend asked. " Yes.No one goes to the astronomy tower at night. " " That's very romantic Tom, what you are doing for her I mean. " his girl friend said with a smile and Tom looked at her and smiled back. His smile always had a devilish tone, but no one would pay attention to it due to the fact that he was so charming and pretty.

" hey " a soft voice was heard ringing through the walls of the astronomy tower and Tom turned his back to see the girl he was expecting with a big smile on her cherry like lips. He smiled back and without saying anything he took her hand and pulled her closer to him and looked in her eyes. That moment Lilith froze completely. She had no power over him. He had all the power. His devilish smile appeared and he dragged her to the edge of the astronomy tower. " It's beautiful " he said while looking outside the large balcony. " Yes it is " she responded and looked too outside. The view was wonderful. You could see the lake and the forest and everything around Hogwarts perfectly. As for the height, it felt like you were on top of the world. At least that's how Lilith felt. Tom placed his hand on the railing and looked at Lilith with a soft smile. He was calm, she could tell.

Meanwhile, in the Ravenclaw boys dorm room there was absolute mayhem. They decided that playing charades was the best idea, especially at midnight. Artimus did not have mood to play though Donnie was pressuring him to play." Marilyn Monroe " a Ravenclaw yelled and the others cheered as their teammate won that round. Artimus got up and walked in his dorm room and hoped on his bed. Donnie noticed that and got up to talk to his friend. " Okay Arti, what's wrong? " " She was wearing his scarf. " " What? " " Lilith, she was wearing his scarf. " The small conversation was one of the most confusing things for Donnie. " Who's scarf Arti? " he asked with a concerned look. Artimus let out a sigh and said " Tom Riddle's ". Once Donnie heard that name he looked startled. " Are you sure it was his scarf? " Donnie responded with a concerned look. " Yes, I even saw them together. " Silence was all that could be heard in the dorm room up until the moment Donnie hugged his best friend tightly. Artimus, feeling the arms of his best friend around him, started sobbing quietly. As soon as Donnie realized that he was crying he signed to a first year Ravenclaw to shut the door closed, which he did. Once Artimus heard the door bang shut he burst into tears and his sobbing got worse. He was a mess. And it broke Donnie's heart to see him like this.

" Let's leave this place " Tom said as he took his hand off the railing and Lilith followed. " Where to? " " It's a surprise darling " he said in a flirty tone as he turned back to wink at her and then smiled with that devilish tone again. Lilith was too blind at this moment to see his smile. She was focusing at the moment. He started to run through the corridors, not caring how much noise he made and she followed him. Once they were outside of the building and onto the courtyard he stopped and turned to look at her. The force she had from running was too big for her to suddenly stop so she fell on him. But he caught her, without a second thought. He smiled down at her while she was trying to hide the blush she had on her face. He then looked around and kissed the top of her head. At this moment Lilith could die happily. For some reason she could not explain she was feeling safe in his arms, even though she shouldn't. " Who is out there? " a voice was heard from the woods and Tom took his wand out almost immediately as he placed his arm around Lilith to protect her from anything that could possibly harm her, or him.

Though no one answered Tom decided that it was better to leave the place and return back at their dorms. As they were walking back Tom grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side. He leaned over and whispered in her ear " I wish this night would never end " as he backed off and looked at her face Lilith was blushing red, he then leaned over to kiss her, as he placed his cold hands on her face and cupped it. Before they could kiss though the laughs and cheers of the Ravenclaw boys who were still playing charades stopped them. The footsteps of a teacher that was walking towards the common room to talk to the students to be more quiet was also a reason for them to split up and run in other directions. They would talk in the morning that's for sure. As Lilith was running down the empty corridors to avoid getting caught she was smiling. Harder than she ever was actually. That was the best night of her life, and she could not wait to tell everything about it to Cecile..

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