the party

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" Lilith, hold up " Artimus said as he tried to catch up to Lilith before she could leave the common room. Lilith turned around and looked at Artimus with a serious look. " Professor Slughorn is having a party, and if like you to be my plus one " Artimus said with a big smile on his face. He really hoped she would say yes. " I'm sorry Artimus but someone already asked me and I said yes " Lilith said as she walked out of the common room. Artimus was in a bit of a shock. His mind went immediately to Tom Riddle. He must've asked her first. After all he is the only other person who Lilith would agree to go with. While Lilith was walking around hogwarts grounds, enjoying the fresh air and admiring the nature Lestrange popped out of nowhere. " Well well well, if it isn't our little blondie " . Lilith turned around to face Lestrange and asked " What do you want ? ". She was rather cold this morning, her attitude not herself. Lestrange took out an envelope and presented it to her. It looked identical to the one Marcus gave her. " Tommy wants you to be his plus one at Slughorn's party and he needs a response from you immediately ". Lilith did not respond immediately, she had to think first. Why would Tom send anyone else but himself when it was about her? Was he ashamed to be seen with her? " Tell Tom I said no " Lilith said and walked away. Lestrange seemed to be lost for a few seconds. Did she just say no? To Tom Riddle?

Lestrange walked in the slytherin common room as Cassandra glared at the rest of the students who ran in their rooms. " Your blondie said no Tommy " Lestrange said as he sat down on the couch, Tom closed his book and looked at him. " Is this some sort of joke or...? " Tom asked in disbelief that Lilith said no. How could she have said no? " I'm afraid it's not ". Both Cassandra and Tom stayed silent for a moment. " Cassandra find me someone else for me to bring " Tom ordered. His voice was once again cold as he returned to his book. " I'll try Tom " Cassandra said as she got up and left the common room. She had to find someone for Tom to go with. Someone who was good enough.

Everyone was now at Slughorn's party. Slug horn himself was excited to have so many students there with him. At least he had the one's he liked. There was Lestrange and Cassandra and Tom and Artimus and Sam and Claire. Now apparently Claire was Artimus's plus one. Nobody really knew how this happened. It just did. While everyone was chatting the door opened and the final two students arrived. It was Marcus and Lilith. As soon as they all saw that sight their jaws dropped. What just happened? Why were they toghether? As they all sat down to eat Artimus and Tom couldn't stop glaring at Marcus who seemed unbothered by them. " Artimus boy, you've barely touched your food " Professor Slughorn said with a concern on his face. His comment made every head turn towards him. He looked down at his plate and said " I'm not hungry professor " . To be honest, the professor was totally aware of the reason as to why Artimus wouldn't eat, and why Tom would glare at Marcus.

After finishing their food everyone got up from the table. Before they could say anything professor Slughorn looked at them with a smile on his face and said " It was lovely to see you all here, it made me beyond happy to host this party even though most of you probably found it quite a bore. " Sam was the only one who laughed at that last thing he said. It was quite sad that Sam was considered as one of the most stupid people. He was so genuine and happy all the time, it was wrong of people to think he is stupid. As all of the students were walking out of the room all of the students were talking to one another. Marcus pulled Lilith close to him and held her by the waist. She smiled at him. And Artimus's heart melted. It was Marcus for Merlin's shake. A complete douchebag. Tom on the other hand glared at Marcus again and then looked away. Lilith's attention was not at Artimus who was looking at her like his whole world was about to crumble and Tom who was giving Marcus a deathly glare. She was looking at Marcus.

After walking in the common room Artimus did not turn to look at them, he instead went inside his room. Before Lilith could walk away Marcus pulled her in and kissed her. Marcus seems like he did not care if anyone was looking or not. He gave off the impression he was not embarrassed to be seen with her, unlike Tom. " Come inside " Marcus said after he broke their kiss. " Won't your roomates be annoyed by it? " Lilith asked. To be honest the two glasses of wine she had did not strike her quite easily, she was a bit light headed after all. " No they are with their girlfriends right now, probably shagging " Lilith giggled at what Marcus said and then leaned on him. The drink was really starting to get to her. Marcus lead her in his room and placed her on his bed, getting on top of her and kissing her. " Marcus... I'm tired " Lilith said. Marcus looked at her and scoffed " Alright we can just sleep " He said while rolling his eyes. Laying next to her he looked in her eyes and as soon as she closed them he looked away. He turned his back to her and closed his own eyes. He knew he was winning right now and if he kept moving like this, his revenge would be greater than he ever imagined

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