Beauty & the Beast: The Enchantress Is the Real Villian

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If you ask most people to name the bad guy in Beauty and the Beast, they’ll say Gaston. But while Gaston was unquestionably a cocky, misogynistic dick, he’s not really involved in the main story enough to be the real baddie. So who is the true villain? How about the enchantress who sets the entire plot in motion in the first place?

For those who don’t remember, the prologue in the film explains how the Beast came to be: 10 years earlier an enchantress disguised as a beggar had asked for housing in exchange for a rose. When he refused, she cursed him and told him that if he didn’t find true love by his 21st birthday, he’d stay a beast forever.

This all sounds like standard fairy-tale stuff but if you really think about it, the enchantress is being extremely petty and her punishment absolutely doesn’t fit the crime. Basically, she asks an 11-year-old boy if she can stay at his house, and when he understandably says no the stranger, she nearly sentences him to a life of loneliness and isolation. Plus, she punishes all of his servants for absolutely no reason, which is just a total asshole move.

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