Zootopia Is An Allegory For America's Crack Cocaine Epidemic

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Disney’s 2016 blockbuster Zootopia might seem like just another typically cutesy animation populated by anthropomorphic animals and moral lessons about not judging a book by its cover and getting along with each other despite our differences, but according to some fan theorists there’s something much deeper going on behind the scenes.

Let’s take a look at the plot: an unlikely duo made up of con artist fox Nick and newly recruited rabbit police officer Judy attempt to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of several of Zootopia’s predator inhabitants. It soon transpires the missing animals have been unwittingly injected with a drug that makes them go savage and revert to their predatory ways as part of an evil plan concocted by Zootopia’s mayor to turn the city’s predator and prey populations against each other.

Some have pointed out that the plot isn’t too dissimilar from a popular conspiracy theory about the crack cocaine epidemic that took hold in 1980s America that alleges the drug was manufactured by the US government and intentionally distributed to black communities with the dual purpose of destroying them while inciting white fear towards them.

As unlikely it may seem at first, just note that Zootopia includes a reference to Breaking Bad – which is all about the USA’s latest drug epidemic, meth – so the crack allegory isn’t all that improbable after all.

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