the thirteenth chapter.

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michael, ashton, and calum budged through the single glass door shortly after the blond had arrived. noisy as always, they quickly became situated, goofing off and gobbling down their food.

and now, jet couldn't help but sit back and watch the four boys shoot spit balls at each other.

although they were all very much over their stage of adolescence, they were acting like little kids, and jet found herself feeling warm because of it.

she was quietly observing, taking a sip of her beloved chocolate milkshake every once in a while. a smile had adorned her face—that is until a wet spitball bounced off her cheek. her smile dropped immediately, and a stone cold glare took over her face.

"oh shit," calum winced and dropped his straw, trying to avoid eye contact with the girl at all costs.

her eyes darted to michael, who miserably failed to contain his laughter, causing his face to turn bright red. at this point, he was out of control, his limbs flailing around as his giggles echoed throughout the diner. "oh my god, cal, that was fucking great," he sighed, finally calming down.

jet rolled her eyes playfully, taking her straw wrapper and mimicked cal's doing. they all watched her carefully as she prepared her spitball, her eyes narrowing down on calum.

but apparently, her aim wasn't the best, for it had hit the boy sitting next to calum, rather than her wanted target.

fuck, she thought to herself, as she watched the boy she had hit with her spitball glare at her. she smiled sweetly, and let out a nervous chuckle. "nice weather, amirite?"

ignoring her terrible attempt to change the subject, luke scoffed and rolled his eyes. "fuck you, bubblegum."

"bubblegum?" she was confused, where did he get that nickname from? and then it hit her, and she whispered a simple, "oh."

at this, michael began wheezing. "h-holy...holy shit, luke. that's the best thing i've ever heard you say!" for the second time in the past fifteen minutes, michael was cackling as he slapped his left knee.

jet playfully shoved him, rolling her eyes. "i don't wanna hear it from you, ginger."

ceasing his laughter, michael let out a very dramatic gasp. "i'll have you know, this hair earned me several compliments; thank you very much."

"are you sure they didn't just come from your mom?"

"hey! they're still compliments."

"whatever helps you sleep at night."

"you're so mean."

"oh yeah? tell that to my ass."

"not before you take your head out of—"

"anyways," ashton butted in. "jet, how would you like to watch luke fight again tonight?"

averting her attention to the blondie, jet realized he was already staring at her. his brow was quirked up, like he knew she was going to say yes.

and without really thinking about it, she did. an exhale left her lips, "yeah, i'll come."

she looked at luke for split second, and she could've sworn he smiled at her. just for second, she was sure of it. so she smiled at him, too.

"see you there, bubblegum."


[ first chapter of 2021 !! i hope you all enjoyed the start of the new year, especially with harry's new music video. thank you all so much for reading, i love you all. ]

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