Chapter 2

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The sun was just peaking around the mountains as Ame put the last of his things in his backpack and continued on his way. His goal was to make it down to the lake and find something to eat, probably deer. Eyota followed along side him. They walked through the forest. It was quiet. It was peaceful.

As they descended it started to get rockier, harder to find good footing. Ame scanned for larger rocks to step on, those were less likely to tip under his weight.

"Eyota!" He called. The white dog turned her head and jumped over to him. He jumped to another rock, Eyota following. Eventually they made it safely to the bottom.

"Good Girl." He said, giving her a little scratch before continuing. They walked through the forest some more before coming to a clearing. He crouched down and peered out. The sun was still high in the sky but it had started it's decent. He scanned the area for anything edible.

"There," he whispered, pointing to a rabbit. He started to take small steps closer, Eyota right behind. Then suddenly the rabbit let out a squeak, it struggled for a minute or two, then went limp.

"What the..." Ame whispered to himself. He slowly walked forward to see that the rabbit had gotten stuck in a trap. It was obvious that the trap had been there for a while, it was somewhat rusted and half buried, it was kinda surprising that it still managed to work.

"Welp, makes our lives easier." Ame said with a shrug, he reached down and undid the trap, taking the limp rabbit from the sharp metal jaws.

"C'mon girl." He said and walked back into the woods. Ame set up a little fire and cooked the dead creature. He knew that he should probably save the food but it was fresh, so he took a small piece of the rabbit and shared it with Eyota. The two ate in silence, the only sound coming from the fire and the birds on the trees.

Ame yawned as he finished eating and leaned back against a tree, the he noticed how quiet it had become. The birds were gone, there was no sign of anything.


Ame looked around, trying to find where the crack of a twig had come from. Eyota stood up and started growling, but even she still didn't know where the sound had come from.

"Who's there?" Ame said, now a little bit on edge. It was silent until a large wolf-like dog jumped out of the bushes onto Ame. Everything was flung into chaos as the man tried to hit the dog away. Eyota barked and jumped into the other dog to get it off Ame. Then suddenly a man jumped out of the bushes and grabbed the dog by its rope collar. He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Eyota.

"No! Don't shoot!" Ame yelled as he rolled off of his back and tried to stand as quickly as he could. He stumbled and fell backwards again, then the two made eye contact.

Everything seemed to stop as the pistol was dropped to the ground. The men stared at each other, not breaking away from each other's eyes.



Ame jumped up and hugged the other, the two dogs just glaring at each other.

"I-I, I though that-" Ame couldn't form the words. "It-it was empty." He started to cry.

"I thought-was alone-all dead." Germany just hugged his long lost friend.

"All that matters is that we're both alive now." He said before pulling away from the hug.

"A-are you alone?" Germany asked. Ame frowned and nodded. The man sighed and looked to the dogs.

"Is that?"

"Eyota, yep. I still have her." Ame said proudly as the dog wagged her tail.

"Wow, I thought she had been killed." Germany said, bending over and petting the dog.

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