Chapter 10

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America and Russia had been traveling for a day or two now. They were out on an 'expedition' to map the land. Find places where they should avoid because of radiation, find places where alternate camps could be set up. So far, they had come across a radioactive lake, almost fallen into a ditch, and survived almost being trampled by a deer.

By America's attitude, and how well he seemed to be doing, Russia was becoming more and more convinced that Ame actually did manage to spend all that time alone. It was still a little too miraculous for him to fully believe though.

"Tracks." Ame said, pointing to some indented patches in the mud. The two squatted and took a closer look.

"Dog...big dog." Russia said. He held out his hand, comparing it to the paw prints.

"Wolf." Ame corrected, pointing to the prints.

"Look at the size, it's almost bigger than your palm, and that's saying something 'cause your hands are big as fuck." Ame said. Russia squinted, Ame was right. It was too large to be a dog's print.

Eyota whined and pawed at Ame's side.

"I agree with Eyota, we should keep moving." The shorter said, standing up and petting his dog's head.

"She's a dog, she can't speak. How can you agree with an animal that can't speak?" Russia queried, also standing up.

"She doesn't speak words, but she is definitely communicating. Just have to watch and Listen." America Said indifferently, continuing onwards. Russia rolled his eyes and followed.

— — —

The sun was starting to set, though the two were determined to keep going a little bit further.

Eyota paused, raising her tail I the air and looking around. Ame stopped too.

"What is it girl?" Ame asked. The white dog let out a low growl, taking a few steps back towards Ame.

"Ame, she's a dog, she probably just smells a squirrel or something." Russia said, unamused.

"No, there's something up." The shorter said.

"Ame, I swear to god, dogs can't- AAAHHH!" Before Russia could finish what he was saying, a large grey wolf leaped from some nearby bushes, knocking him over.

"RUSSIA!" America yelled. The wolf jumped off of the man and sprinted towards Ame, who at this point tried running, though was quickly being gained on. Ame foolishly looked back, only to see the wolf leaping towards him. He quickly spun around, putting his arm out in front of him to protect himself.

The wolf clenched it's jaws around Ame's arm. He screamed in pain, though he looked down to see the wolf letting go and spinning the other direction.

"Wait- NO-" Ame yelled, reaching his good arm out as he saw Eyota biting at the wolf's leg. The two canids started to fight, while the wolf was much larger and stronger than Eyota, she could easily out maneuver it. She seemed to be running around, over, and under it, getting it bites.

Ame looked over to Russia, who was loading a shotgun.

"Wait Russia no! You might shoot Eyo-" Before he could finish his sentence Russia aimed the gun and fired. I loud Yelp was heard, and to follow it, the sound of something falling to the ground from its paws.

— — —

[Was really tempted to make this a cliffhanger, but felt bad. Didn't want to give you guys two short chapters in a row.]

— — —

Russia wrapped Ame's arm in bandages as they sat in front of the campfire. The shorter man stroking Eyota, who was sleeping in his lap. He had yelled at Russia for trying to bandage him up before his dog. Even came to slapping him across the face.

So while Ame had a nasty bite mark on his arm, Eyota had a few bite marks around her body, and Russia had a few minor scratches, but for him the most painful thing was the large red hand print on his cheek.

"Bitch." Russia mumbled, finishing bandaging America's arm. He huffed and saw down next to the man.

"Aww, stop being a pissbaby, this dog saved my life." Ame retorted.

"Tch" Russia turned away from Ame.

"She's a good dog, she knew the wolf was there before we did." Ame said.

Russia continued to ignore him, not wanting to admit that Ame was right. He grumbled a few things under his breathe and scooted away.

The two sat in silence for a while, just listening to the crackling I'd the fire.

"The stars are awful pretty tonight." Ame said, breaking the silence. Russia looked up.

"Yeah." He said, smiling slightly as he admired the view of the Milky Way.

"That's one of my favorite things about the result of the war. You can see the sky so much better because there's no more light pollution."

"Yeah, it is quite nice. I remember my Папа [Dad/Father] used to take my siblings and I up to a cabin in the middle of nowhere during winter. It was nestled somewhere in the woods, with a small meadow nearby. In the small meadow we made a fire pit and would watch stars there at night...I miss it." Russia said, a sorrowful tone in his words. Ame gave him a sad smile.

"Reminds me of now Nada and I would sneak out in the middle of the night and drive out to the middle of bum fuck nowhere, and we'd watch the stars until we had to leave, so we could get back before anyone woke up." Ame said, feeling his eyes start to water at the memory of his family. All gone.

"...did you just say bum fuck nowhere?"

"Yes, that's a saying Y'know...also why'd you have to ruin the sad moment like that? Really? I was trying to be sad and remember my family and that's what you decide to comment on? Of all things?"

The two laughed.

Eventually the fire started to die and they got in their sleeping bags, Eyota laying on Ame's.

"G'night Rus, sleep well."

"...G'night Ame.

— — — — —

Mmmm chapter

It's been like a month...sorry

Gotta love writers block am I right?

Next chapter will have some fluffy RusAme...and some other things. I don't know, and I don't want to spoil anything. All I'm going to say is pay attention to Eyota.

Anyways, I don't really know what else to say sooo

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it ^^

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