Chapter 11

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Ame shifted around as he woke up, why did his sleeping bad feel so much tighter? He opened his eyes to see navy blue. Wait, what? Ame blinked a few times, before his face turned bright red. He looked up slightly, seeing a sleeping Russia's face.

SHIT SHIT SHIT! He thought, feeling his whole body start to warm up. How the hell did he spend up in Russia's sleeping bag? And why did that tight fitting navy blue shirt make him look hot? Ame shook his head, trying to get the thoughts out of his mind.

He shifted around, trying to get a look at his surroundings without waking Russia. Over where he thought he would have spent the whole night, was Eyota, currently watching him struggle as she laid in his sleeping bad.

Ame glared at the dog, it felt like she was mocking him. Was a dog capable of such things? Perhaps.

Ame started planning his next move, he would rather die than have Russia catch him sharing a sleeping bag. Ame reached for the zipper, slowly pulling it down, as to make as little noise as possible. He froze as he felt Russia start to move. After a moment or two had passed Ame let out a sigh of relief as Russia remained asleep. He made the decision to slowly shimmy his way out instead, as it would probably be quieter than the zipper, and maybe a less sudden loss of warmth for Russia.

Ame reached his arms out of the sleeping bad, slowly wiggling his way out. He smiled as he got his torso out, though felt his body tense as Russia wrapped an arm around Ame's waist.

You have to be fucking kidding me... Ame thought as he looked down, a dismal expression on his face. He glanced over at Eyota, who was still watching him.

"Eyota!" He whisper-yelled, the dog's ears perked, though she stayed still. Ame whined.

"Eyota come!" He whispered, motioning for her to come closer. Again the dog didn't do much, letting out a small groan and kept a look of disinterest. Ame gritted his teeth. That dog knew exactly what she was doing, and Ame knew it.

"Dammit Eyota, why are you like this." He whispered to himself as he returned his gaze to the current problem at hand. Ame sighed and gently tried to push Russia's arm off of him. To his surprise, Russia's 'death grip' on his waist, was the most pathetic thing he'd ever seen. He easily pushed the red muscled arm off of his waist, and he could easily wiggle his legs free.

Ame let out a sigh of relief as he was out of the sleeping bag. He quickly glanced down at Eyota, who was staring at him.

"You-" He bent over, squinting and pointing a finger in the dog's face. "Are a bitch." He said, keeping his grumpy face.

"And you can't even deny it, because that's technically the correct term for a female dog...or something like that." He mumbled the last bit, now second guessing himself. Eyota wagged her tail, standing up and licking his face. The man giggled, sitting down next to his dog, giving her attention.

Russia slowly opened his eyes, groggily looking around. He noticed that his sleeping bad felt a bit empty. The man smiled as he saw Ame happily giving Eyota belly rubs. A light blush spread across his face, Ame's giggle was cute. Rus shook his head, dismissing the thought.

He crawled out of his sleeping bag and started rolling it up.

"Ame?" He asked, his morning voice very present. The shorter man paused, his face turning red.

"R-Rus? How long have you been up?" He asked nervously, hoping his very apparent blush wasn't too noticeable.

"30 seconds probably." He said, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"O-Oh, okay." Ame mumbled, looking back down at Eyota.

Fuck fuck fuck why is he hot? Ame was practically mentally combusting.

"When did you leave my sleeping bag?" Russia asked nonchalantly, as he re-packed his backpack.

Dammit. I must have woken him up during the night...hopefully I didn't do anything. Ame thought. On very rare occasions, Ame had been known to wake up during the night, do or say random things, then fall back asleep with no memory of the event. It wasn't sleep talking, as he was very much awake, that and the things he would say weren't nonsense, like sleep talking.

"I left it just a few minutes felt awkward since you're in a committed relationship." Ame mumbled the last part, looking away. Russia nodded, he had to agree, it was awkward at first. But it was nice being able to share a sleeping space with someone.

"Did I do anything weird?" Ame asked nervously, as he started to roll up his sleeping bag.

"No, you just woke up and said you were cold because Eyota had stolen your sleeping bag." Russia said flatly. Eyota perked her ears, staring at Russia. Russia stared back, almost glaring at her.

"Oh, okay." America said, strapping his sleeping bag to his backpack, which was already packed. Huh, he didn't remember doing that. Must have done it after Eyota kicked him out of his sleeping bag.

"You ready?" Russia asked, untieing the other dogs. America smiled and nodded, pulling his backpack over his shoulder.


"Okay, let's go."

— — — — —

Hehe, just some fluff, and some things that will be important later ;)

Anyways I shouldn't spoil too much,

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it 

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