Chapter 5

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"For fucks sake! How did you even-!?"

"Don't question me just get me down!"

Russia growled, mumbling a few curses under his breath. He tied the dogs to the bottom of the tree and started looking around for a way to get his little brother down.

"Try climbing down a few branches, then jump, I'll catch you!" He called.

"HELL NO! You won't catch me! You'll let me splat onto the ground and I'll be flatter than a blin!" Ukraine yelled.

"Ukrain I promise I'll catch you!" Russia yelled, holding his arms up, waiting for Uke to jump. The yellow and blue country looked down at his brother, worried. He gulped and climbed down a few branches, flinching when one cracked.

"I'll catch you, just jump." Russia said, trying to reassure his brother.

"Welp, if I die it's your fault." Uke said, holding his breath and pushing away from the tree, a leap of faith. His eyes were shut tight, his stomach felt as if it was turning. Then there was nothing. Ukraine reluctantly opened his eyes.

"See, I caught you." Russia said, a smile on his face. Uke looked around, he was in his brothers arms.

"Holy hell, you did. I didn't think you would."

"Hey, I promised I would, I don't break promises. You did catch a few branches on your way down though, so you have a few scratches." Russia said, setting his brother down onto his feet.

"Eh, it's just a scratch." Uke said, shrugging. He dusted himself off and looked back over to the dogs.

"We should start heading back, China will be wondering where we are." Russia said, walking over to the dogs and untying them from the tree.

"Yeah, there's been a lot of game lately, you think the dogs will be able to carry all of this?" Uke asked, reinforcing the ropes that were keeping all the animals they'd caught in place on the sled.

"We have Bear, of course they'll be fine." Russia said, petting his dog, a mix between a malamute and some other huge dog. Bear was his favorite of all the dogs that they took care of, he was also the biggest dog, 7 feet tall if you stood him on his hind legs.

They started making their way back to camp, Ukraine was running alongside the sled, while Russia drove it. They were going just above walking speed, as to not overwork the dogs with the heavy load.

— — —

"You're finally back, took you long enough."

"Shut up rat." Russia grumbled, flipping the boy off. The shorter one only giggled.

"Russia, be nice, he's our brother." Uke sighed, putting his hand on Russia's shoulder.

"That thing will never be my brother." Russia hissed, glaring at the younger country.

"Can't escape me! Also, Chi is in there." The kid said, pointing to the door at the end of the small hallway. Russia nodded and slapped the kid across the face before bolting to China's office, slamming the door behind him. There was a loud thud, the sound of the kid hitting the metal door. Russia smirked and snickered to himself, enjoying hearing the sound of the kid groaning in pain.


Russia locked the door and turned his head, smiling as he saw China.

"Hello Chi~"

"How was the hunt?" China asked, walking over to Russia, setting his hands on the taller man's shoulders.

"Very good, there was lots of game, almost too much." He said, smiling and setting his hands on China's waist.

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