Chapter 6

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"Not fucking losing you!" America yelled, chasing after the deer. Eyota barked as she ran ahead, trying to keep up with it.

"America wait up!" Finland yelled, he was a noticeable distance behind Ame. "I can't run that fast!"

"I'm not letting this deer get away!" Ame yelled, feeling his legs burn, but he was too hungry and determined to give up now. He and his dog continued to chase the deer, Finland falling far behind, now out of sight.

"Get em Eyota!" Ame yelled, seeing that she was gaining on the deer. The dog barked and started nipping at the deer's legs. Ame quickened his pace, how that was possible I have no idea but don't question me. Ame pulled out his pistol and shot a few times, hoping to hit the deer at least once and avoid Eyota. It let out a few cries of pain and collapsed to the ground.

"Yes!" Ame yelled, running over to it and quickly killing it so it didn't have to suffer any longer.

"Woooooooo!" He pumped his fists in the air and started dancing, Eyota howling and barking at his feet.

"Good Girl Eyota! Now all we need to do is wait for Finland." Ame said, smiling as he looked at the deer, knowing that everyone would be happy to have some venison steaks for dinner. The white dog froze, sniffing the air.

"What's wrong girl?" Ame asked, bending over and petting her head. She looked around, tail raised. A loud bang rang through the air and Ame fell to the ground. In a state of panic he thrashed himself around, trying to find the ground that was under him. He could faintly hear Eyota barking but after that it was all silent, everything became blurry, then it was darkness.

— — —

America slowly opened his eyes, everything was blurry and his ears were ringing. He sat up, groaning in pain and putting his hand on his head. He looked around, noticing he was in a small room, the walls a drab grayish blue color.

"Oh, you're awake." A voice said. Ame looked over at him, his flag was yellow on top, green in the middle, and red on the bottom, and he was tending to another country in a bed. The country in the bed had a mainly red flag with a green bottom and red & white pattern on the left side. She looked very sick and frail.

"Who the hell are you people? Or am I dead? I'm dead aren't I? Great, fucking great. I finally-" Ame started to go off but was interrupted.

"You're not dead, just a little injured." The standing country said, setting a few things aside and walking over to America. The star spangled country flinched and tried to scoot away but was met with a wall.

"Get the hell away from me! I don't even know who you are!" Ame yelled, holding his right arm in a position to punch them if he needed to.

"Woah, calm down there." They said, holding their hands up.

"Who are you?" American said, glaring at them.

"I'm Lithuania, that over there is Belarus. You're America, correct?" He asked. Ame only got more suspicious.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, squinting a little.

"I were a...the one that..." Lith looked to the side, not knowing how to phrase his thoughts without being offensive.

"Oh..." America furrowed his brows. The room got awkward and sunk into silence.


The three all turned their head towards the door as they heard someone yelling outside. Lithuania sighed.

"Well uh, America I've treated your wounds, all you need now is rest. If you ever need me just yell for me and I'll come." Lithuania said, walking towards the door. Ame nodded, grumbling a few things under his breath & hiding under the blanket.

— — —

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

America turned around, looking around in the darkness for the source if the voice. When he saw them he furrowed his brows and flipped the taller country off.

"Fuck off Russia." He mumbled through the cloth gag. Russia smirked.

"What, you trying to get away?" He teased, walking closer to the shorter country and pulling the gag off.

"Well, that was part of the plan but I'd prefer to find Eyota first." He mumbled, looking away and continuing to use the crutch he was given to inch away.

"Well, you're clearly not doing a good job." Russia said, staring at him.

"Could you shut up?"

"I could, but there's no fun in that."

Ame rolled his eyes and continued forward.

"Also, you're going the wrong way." Rus said, snickering a little as Ame let out an angry grumble.

"Fuck off or I'll beat you with my crutch."

"Well, I have both my legs, you can only use one. Your crutch is the only thing keeping you up," Russia grabbed the crutch and yanked it away from America. "Without it you lose your balance and fall." He said calmly and watched as Ame panicked and started to fall backwards. He reached his hand out and grabbed Ame before he fell to the ground.

He pulled Ame back to his feet and handed him his crutch.

"Come with me." He said, walking towards where the dogs were all kept. Ame nodded and followed him, though was falling behind rather quickly. Russia didn't bother to stop to let Ame catch up. Russia started setting up a sled and getting a few dogs out and attaching them to it. Ame frowned, realizing that Eyota was none of them.

"Get in." Russia said pointing to the sled.


"Get in." Russia repeated, Ame shrugged and got in.

"What are you going to do? Dump me off in the middle of the woods?" Ame asked, tensing a little as Russia yelled 'hike' and the dogs started to run forward.

"No, thanks for the idea though."

Ame rolled his eyes.

The two traveled through the woods for around an hour to half an hour, before finally stopping at a small pond.

"Wow, this gorgeous, too bad you're here to ruin the view." Ame said, smirking. Russia held back a smile and rolled his eyes. Ame admired the way the moonlight reflected off the water, giving it an almost luminescent glow. Or maybe the lake was radioactive and that's why it was glowing, hopefully it was the first one.

— — — — —

Heyyy, Ame finally met the other characters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Once again I don't have much to say, but it's the 15th of April, my one year anniversary on wattpad, so by celebrating I'm also updating Broken Promise, Daydreamer, and Black Roses, so if you would like to go read those that'd be great.

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it 

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