Chapter 12

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Russia and America had mapped out around 15 square miles. The original goal was 25 but that was getting to be a bit much, especially since they were only two people.

The two returned to camp, it was the same as it had been left. Still looked like a total mess, the prominent smell of dogs, and a bored child sitting on the wooden pallets.

"You're back!" SR Said happily, running up to the two. Well, not to Russia, just to Ame and Eyota.

"Yep! We got a lot done too, Wanna see?" Ame said, pulling out the map that he and Russia had created.

SR nodded excitedly, and the two ran off to Ame's room to go look at it. But before they could enter they were stopped by a certain someone. China.

The man stood there, glaring at the two. Despite being shorter than Ame, and almost the same height as SR, he was very intimidating. He glared at the two and held out his hand, Russia walking up to him.

"The map." He said simply, motioning for it. Ame rolled his eyes and begrudgingly handed the map to the shorter man. China's smile grew as he snatched it out of the star spangled country's hand, opening it and examining it. His smile was unnervingly large now, SR shuffling a little closer to Ame.

The red country rolled the map back up in contentment, grabbing Russia by the arm he pulled the taller country into his office. Though Ame noticed Russia's lack of excitement for what was to come, now that he's returned.

The office door slammed, and the small clicking noise signaled them that the door had been locked. A few moments after than and it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on.

"God they're disgusting." SR mumbled, rolling his eyes and wandering off to go put the dogs away.

"Yeah..." Ame said. He didn't know why, but something felt off. Sure, he never liked hearing Russia and China having fun in the office, and he also wasn't one to appreciate the fact that they'd found love in each other. But something was different, before he found it just gross, though this time there was another feeling nagging him. One he could not explain. The thought of Russia being with someone was almost painful.

America's thoughts were interrupted as Eyota licked his hand. The man smiled and squatted down to the dog's level, giving her a few head pats and scratches behind the ear. He quietly praised her before returning to his bedroom, belly flopping onto his bed.

— — —

"I don't think Russia's in love with China." SR said, sitting on a rotting log. Ame looked up, raising a brow.

"Why would you say something like that?" He asked, tilting his head.

The boy shrugged, his attention now focused on a leaf that had fallen from a tree. He started to carefully pull it apart as he spoke.

"I dunno, he just seems less obsessed with China." SR said, throwing the shredded leaf bits into the air like confetti, before making eye contact with Ame.

"Plus, don't Act like you don't like him. Like like him."

Ame's face flushed a bright red.

"I do not like him like that!" He exclaimed, turning away from SR.

"Uh huh, and the war didn't happen. You're head over heels." SR said, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"I am not!" America yelled, very flustered at this point.

"He's just my hot, muscle man, dreamy, friend. 100% platonic. Nothing romantic going on here." He said, very unconvincingly. SR laughed quietly and leaned back a bit, into a more relaxed position.

"He likes you too. You should tell him how you feel and go kiss and make out in the woods or something. I dunno, maybe do the nasty.

Ame cringed at the thought of SR telling him to go have sex in the woods with someone who was in a relationship.

"Yeah, no way." He said, sighing sadly, looking down at Eyota. The dog looked back up at Ame, gently wagging her tail. He smiled and gave her a few pats.

"Anyways, get off your lazy ass and help me look for mushrooms Dammit." Ame said stiffly, continuing to wander through the woods in search for the delicacy.

SR groaned, sliding off the log and helping with the original task of looking for morel mushrooms.

— — — — —

Wattpad is being annoying, and not letting me put pictures in >:(

How rude.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed todays chapter, I'm really sorry for being so infrequent with updates. Next chapter will be a bit more exciting, I promise.

Chapter 14 will also be more interesting

Anyways, hope you've all been doing well

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it ❤️

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