chapter 21

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              Part Six


Four month later


He breathed in the calming scent of the woods, dirt between his paws, summer sun wrapped around his dark brown fur like a warm hug.

Gideon found Morning runs refreshing, specially when he did it in his wolf form. He went deeper, and deeper, racing the wind.

The wild parts of the woods never scared him, not the darkness, nor the vicious animals prowling about. No matter how dangerous they were, he was deadlier.

Gideon rarely hunted in his wolf form. He only killed if he needed to. Eating raw flesh was unsanitary, and disgusting. He preferred his food properly cooked, and on a plate.

As if on cue his stomach started growling. Gideon decided to turn around, and head to the kitchens. Maybe he could stop Ada from trying to make food.

He had told her many times she didn't need to cook for him but sometimes she got stubborn, and it ended in burnt hands, hair, and dirty, well...everything. Once they had to close off the kitchens because somehow Ada had managed to set the entire place on fire.

Ada had gotten better in the last months. She didn't drink as much, and her cutting had became less frequent. Gideon kept trying to be there for her, so had her family. James's friendship and going to therapy had helped a lot too.

James was also doing better. He was more comfortable around people, more at ease with human touch, but there were still traces of that haunted look in his eyes, in Ada's too.

Gideon started to change back when he heard the angry scream. He shot through the trees, still in his wolf form, all thoughts of breakfast forgotten.

"Let me go you asshole. I don't want to hurt either of you. She's using you. Don't you get it? Leave me alone and go hide in a hole. Maybe she won't find you..." A girl was shouting.

"Oh please." A man scoffed. "You couldn't hurt us even if you wanted to. We are loyal, unlike you. Either come willingly, or we will drag your sorry ass and drop it at her feet. Your choice little shit."

"That's right. We're just following orders. Now come along." Another male voice followed.

"Screw you." The girl said.

Gideon heard struggling, and ran faster, bood roaring in his ears. He saw them in the clearing to his right.

Two men were dragging the girl through the trees, a third carrying her heavy backpack. She was cursing the whole time, digging her heels in the dirt, face obsecured by a curtain of brown hair.

Gideon was pretty sure she wasn't older than eighteen. She was helpless, and looked hurt, a long gash on her arm. Torn bloody jeans showed scraped knees.

"I swear I'll fucking kill you..." She screamed at them then her angry eyes landed on Gideon, not scared at the sight of a werewolf.

Gideon sprang forward, coliding with the man on her right, shoving his claws in his back, shreding it open, then sank his canines in the other man's stomach, ripping in open.

They shouted, surprised and let go of the girl to protect themselves. Gideon sank his weapons deeper, pinning them in place.

The girl was quick to drag herself from under them. She reached for her big, blue packpack which made Gideon role his eyes. She should be running away, not wasting time.

Since he couldn't talk in his wolf form, Gideon just growled in annoyance, and hoped she got the massage. If she did, she ignored it.

Before the girl could pull the straps over her shoulder the third man tackled her to the ground. The impact was hard, making her taste dirt. She cursed. Gideon was both horrified and impressed by her filthy mouth.

The man ripped the backpack off her shoulders, and turned her around, then fastened his fingers around her neck. The girl spat at him, and kneed him in the crotch. The man squeezed harder.

The men beneath Gideon were trying to get away. He shoved his claws in their flesh, grabbed their hearts, and ripped them out in a swift motion. After they stopped moving, Gideon withdrew his claws, and shredded their hearts.

The third man had stopped choking the girl, and was dragging her through the trees by her hair. Gideon bolted towards them. A raging wall of fire appeared in front of him, making him skid to a stop.

Gideon moved back and then ran forward, jumping over the wall of fire. The girl screamed something. Too late Gideon saw a ball of flame in front of him and colided with it, falling to the ground.

Pain licked at his left side like a savage lover, making him gag on the stench of burnt fur, and flesh. Growling, Gideon put out the fire by rolling on the ground and ran after them.

"You don't give up, do you? Stupid fucker." The man was frustrated.

Gideon bared his canines, chalanging the man to a fight. He let go of the girl and attacked Gideon.

The girl was running and stumbling, the bloody backpack on her shoulders slowning her down. What was in that thing that was so important? Gold bars?

The vampire bared his fanges in Gideon's face. He met him with his claws, slashing at his chest. The man grabbed him and they fell on the ground, rolling around in the dirt.

Gideon was hungry, and pissed. He wanted to kill the man so he could help the girl, and go home to Ada. This was too much work for a saturday morning.

"The little bitch is mine. Get that to your tick head doggie. I'll take her back, and all the rewards, and glory will be mine. I might even ask them to give her to me for a while." He laughed, eyes glowing with glee.

How could he say that? How could he even think that? She was barely an adult for god's sake and he was twice her age.

Gideon slashed at the man's face, almost blinding him then he felt the palm of his hand against his chest, and howled in pain when the vampire shoved his fingers in his flesh.

Gideon tried to kick him off. He wouldn't budge. He sank his fangs in Gideon's neck and drank. Gideon was trying to fight him off, but he was getting sluggish with pain and drained energy. 

The man's fingers were too close to his heart. Gideon had made no plans to die today. He snarled, and hit the man's head with his own. Burrying his claws in his chest, Gideon almost managed to pierce his heart.

The silver edge of a knife beat him to it. Gideon hissed, withdrew his burnt paw, and rolled the man's motionless body off of himself, whos eyes were still open.  

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