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I look in the mirror . I think I'm a little shaken up. I don't feel okay.

"Hey, was gonna make breakfast, Miss." Travis opens the bathroom door, glancing at me in the mirror. His eyes rake my face.

"Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly. He looks at my outfit.

"It's cool right? You like that?" I look at my outfit. "It's my cheer outfit. Surprised I can still fit it."

He frowns. "Since when do you cater to what I want? I like when we do what you like. Besides, isn't that from high school?"

I nod. "It is. Freshman year."

Travis blinks. "Well...do you like it?"

I shake my head. "Not really. Not at all, actually."

Travis nods. "Well...why don't you take it off then? Put something like you like on. It feels better, when you're dressed like yourself, y'know?" He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I can't imagine stuffing myself in suits. It's just not like me. It's like...itchy when you're forced to look like someone you're not."

I scoff. Right. He's right. I'm not her anymore. I don't think I ever was. I don't know why I even have this. Why did I put this on?

"Do you want help? I can help you take it off, if you want," he suggests softly.

I nod. "Yes, please."

He slides the top off my body, pulling the skirt down. He puts them in the corner, leaving the bathroom. He hands me house robe. I put it on, feeling myself relax.

"There you go. Now you look like you."

"Who's me?" I ask him with a smile.

He shrugs. "Mh...mature, smart, business woman, who is also very kinky and likes plush, I guess. Oh and red wine."

"White wine!"

"Sorry, white wine. Forgot."

"What was that outfit? Who was that?"

"I dunno. I guess...a high school kid? I remember the outfit though. You never seemed to like it. You were always pulling on it, like it burned you when it touched your skin." He glanced at the pile of clothes. "Surprised you can still fit it. You must not be eating enough."

I snort. "Are you trying to make me fat?"

Travis puts his hands on my waist. "You know you're gorgeous, but you really should get more nutrients. You look thick about, but maybe you're not getting your vitamins."

I roll my eyes, but he's on a roll and now he won't stop talking about it.

"No really. You shouldn't be able to fit an outfit wore when you 14. You should eat kale. No, spinach."

"I don't like greens," I protest leaving the bathroom.

He follows after me. "Just cut it up and put it in a casserole that's what Wes did to us, and look!" He turns around. "Look at my muscle mass. Promise, it's good for you, and I didn't know she was doing it until I turned 20!"

"I'm not Roman! I don't need you to make me eat my veggies!" I argue, going into my room.

"But really! It's good for you. Your eyesight, helps prevent cancer, and has minerals and—"

"I'll eat the fucking greens!" I throw my hands up, turning around.

He grins. "I'll show you. I'll make you a casserole you won't even taste it."

I roll my eyes. "You're a caretaker aren't you."

He rubs the back of his neck. "Get it from my sis, I guess. Anyway, by the way, she said she wants you to spoil him real good, buy him what you want. She likes you, already."

I smile. "I'm glad. How is she? Did you get her to a doctor."

He paused. "Y-yeah."

I frown. Why did he hesitate like that? "And? What's she got? Flu maybe? Those can be real nasty. Bug? Virus?"

He nods. "Some-Something like that."

"But she'll be fine? Travis why are being odd about it? She's gonna be okay right?"

He smiles slowly with a nod. "Yeah. Yeah, she'll be fine uh. Probably soon. Yeah, probably in a couple weeks." He laughs.

I smile. "That's great! I'll miss my nephew, but hopefully I'll get to meet her. I kinda already like her a teeny bit better than you, sorry."

He laughs. "Don't worry, Wes has that effect on people. She's just likable like that. Even though she's brash, no one can even tell her no. Cause she just...she gives a fuck, yknow?"

I nod.

"About everyone and everything. Guess I should've known it's get exhausting. Giving a fuck about everyone; I mean." He scoffs, looking at his hands. "Anyway, I better go open the shop. I still have time to make you an omelette."

"You gonna sneak vegetables into it?" I quirk my brow.

He glanced away. "Just a few. It'll be good I promise."

He's so cute.

"Hey, Travis?"

He looks back at me. "Huh?"

"You and me, I'd like us to be friends too."

I don't know why I'm nervous. Travis is a nice man. A good man—

"Silly. We're already friends Miss. You think I cook veggie omelettes for people I don't like?"

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