18:The Attack

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Vegeta's clone land on Broly's planet and begins to fight with Vegeta

Vegeta:(still in his evolved blue form) what the!?

Goku:what the hell..why is Vegeta fighting Vegeta

Jiren: it's an evil clone from universe 13..and more are coming... And the way I'm seeing it one will be coming each one of you.., so I suggest all of you get prepared for anything

Goku: Universe 13?

Jiren: later!

Vegeta still struggling with his clone

Vegeta:what the hell do you want!?

V. C( Vegeta's clone): I've come to do what I was commanded to do

Vegeta:who is your commander

Clone:Lord Logie

Vegeta:JIREN!...you ever heard of this guy, Logie?

Jiren:when they attacked my Universe..some of the clones communicated with someone with that same name

Vegeta: (fighting off his clone) damn!..how are you so strong

V. C: I have earned my strength through loyalty and servitude to Lord Logie

Vegeta: screw!

Broly: guys.. what are those in the sky

Jiren: more clones!

Gohan: that one looks like me and the other like Broly

Broly:(smiles)Jiren!.. they're bad people right

Jiren: yes!

Broly:Kakarot! check this out(leaps off the ground and in mid air transforms into his Super Saiyan 2 form and does a powerful clothesline attack to his clone and Gohan's Clone)

Goku:woah!!(*he's perfectly mastered his super Saiyan 2 transformation*)

Jiren:(*this one seems very powerful*)

Gohan: hey Broly! Thanks for the assist (transforms to his Super Saiyan 1 form and charges at his clone)

Gohan is punched back down to the ground by his clone

Goku: Gohan! are you okay

Gohan: yeah! He is stronger than I thought he'd be

Goku: I'll help!

Gohan:no dad! I've got this (transforms to his mystic form...waits for the attack)

Broly:you really strong!

Broly's Clone (B.C):yes, how about this..why don't you use your full potential and I'll use mine

Broly: I am using full potential

Broly's Clone:("I know there's still more to you Broly, I'll have to unlock it by beating you harder") OKAY..!! (throws punches and kicks towards Broly)

TRANS: Vegeta & his clone

Vegeta:(fighting his clone) so..what exactly are you here for

V.C: (fighting Vegeta) I'm here to complete my task

Vegeta: (flies a way from his clone to take a short rest)(panting) what task exactly!?

V.C: you'll know, very soon (flies towards Vegeta to continue the fight)

TRANS: Gohan & his clone

G.C:you might be the weakest one here

Gohan: I know I am.. but it doesn't matter.. I'm still gonna be the one to win this fight

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