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Tw: no more fluff for y'all. Mentions or suggestions of blood. Hallucinations. 

Dream woke up to Patches snoring softly in his ear, and Skechers' head nestled up against his own. He blinked a couple times and carefully slipped away from the two.

He looked around the house drowsily, his eyes landing on blue smears across the wood floor outside of the bedroom he and George shared. Curiously, the blob hopped down the hall towards it, wincing at the soreness in his side.

He looked at the door, which also had the sky blue smears, as if someone had been desperately grappling at it. Like their life depended on it.

The blob gently pushed the door open and paused, his eyes wide.

On the floor lay George's goggles, cracked and similar to what he'd previously seen, had blue smudges in random places. He backed up, squeaking in alarm.

He turned around and hopped wearily out of the room, his gaze tracing other random smudges of color, some he couldn't even associate with the live people. For example, different shades of red, a pastel pink, a happy yellow, green, and other numerous colors. He stared at them, squinting before his heart practically stopped.

His eyes were drawn back to the pastel pink and the bright yellow. " That doesn't make sense. They're dead. " he whispered, turning back to normal and reaching out to touch the smears.

" Techno and Wilbur? There's no way. " He muttered. " Techno was never alive in the first place. Wilbur? Wilbur died years ago... Right? Maybe I should ask Eret about that one. He would know. " He spoke softly to himself, tearing his eyes to the next color that caught his attention.

Lime green and dark green met messily in horrid splatters. " Me and... Who would be dark green? " He furrowed his eyebrows, trying to think back to absolutely anything.

" Tubbo. " His eyes widened as he looked back up at it. That made sense.

He swallowed harshly and looked to the two different shades of red. One was unnaturally bright and one was a bit more orangey. He stared at them, puzzled.

" Who would be red? " He murmured. " Well if pink and yellow are Techno and Wilbur... Maybe Bad and Tommy. " He decided. The interesting thing was the colors were smeared in groups.

Dark green and orangey red, yellow and pink, red and cyan, so on so forth. He huffed and crossed his arms. As he tried to figure out his mind's nasty puzzle.

He remembered the computer and scurried over to it, ignoring George's goggles, despite all instinct to fret over them.

He opened up discord and squinted at all of the friends on George's account before picking out Tubbo's user.

He thought carefully, how could he go about this without sounding like he was absolutely losing it, despite the fact he probably was.


Hey! This is Dream. Do you know a kid named Tommy, by any chance?

He stared intently at the screen as Tubbo's status suddenly claimed he was online, he fidgeted with anticipation.


Tommy? Like Tommyinnit?

Dream tilted his head. Tommyinnit? Tommy had been one of the few people he talked to on occasion while in hell, the poor kid was so lost, scared, and hopeless at first.


Maybe? Blonde kid with blue eyes and a personality that is wayyy too loud. Good kid though.

Dream silently complimented himself for his ability to read and write in the english language.


Why are you asking all of the sudden? He died a couple years ago. We were best friends. I don't really like to talk about it.

He perked up, his crimson ears doing so with him. He beamed excitedly at the screen.


That's all I needed to know! Thanks.

So that confirmed it. Tubbo was the dark green which meant that Tommy was the orangey red. It was starting to come together.

Then he dulled.

The bright colors were supposedly blood. He unconsciously glanced down at his hands and felt his heart speed up.

The colors all resembled people he cared about. Then he remembered the cyan next to the red.

" Bad was friends with someone? But he was never alive... " Dream murmured, his brows furrowed. That didn't make sense.

He groaned. Why did this have to be so complicated?

He stormed around the house out of frustration before darting to the kitchen. He could've swore he heard George's voice.

He ran up to George, beaming excitedly but paused. He took a moment to look the brunette over.

So much blue.

It stained his clothes, his skin, his hair, his hands. Dream took a step back and rubbed his eyes.

" Dream? " He snapped out of his horrified trance, expecting the horrible color to be cleaned off the boy, but was proven wrong when he looked up.

" Are you hallucinating again? " He asked softly, reaching up to cup Dream's cheek.

Dream flinched away, feeling the warm, sticky, neon blue get spread across his cheek. He wanted to be sick. He couldn't even mumble out a word.

" Dream? " George asked worriedly.

Dream's breathing sped up as he glanced around the room, seeing Eret and Sapnap looking at him with faces of deep concern.

Dream shook his head desperately trying to get his hallucinations to clear, but it did nothing.

" I can't get it to go away. There's so much..." He whimpered, trailing off as he glanced between the three boys. Eret seemed mostly normal, minus the bright red in his wings. 'Too much red.' Dream thought hopelessly. He then looked over at Sapnap, the horrid slash marks still ran across his back and his white T-shirt had too much orange when the small, pixel flame was included.

Dream frantically glanced between them and the door.

" I- I- I can't.. " He whispered, his eyes wide with distress.

He turned and bolted to the door. His freedom from the horribly dark place his mind had created. 

A h a h a 

I finally did it

He ran away

From his problems 

Just like me :'DD

Anywaysss Hi y'all! Not much to say for today! 

Love y'all!!!

Moony <3

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