Bonus Chapter 2

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Sorry about the infrequent updates. I've been a bit busy lately and haven't really been in a writing mood. 

" Dude I haven't seen George all day. " Eret chuckled, looking to Dream as if he wanted answers. Dream shrugged.

" I've learned that you must leave George to his own devices or else he becomes a big baby. " He chuckled.

" Says the pissbaby. " Sapnap butt in, raising his eyebrows. Dream glared at him, but it was light-hearted and playful.

" Man, I have all the embarrassing nicknames and what do you guys have. Eret basically has no nicknames, and Sapnap has Snapmap and Samsung Refrigerator. " He puffed. Eret laughed and it was Sapnap's turn to glare.

" I'm telling you, refer to me as Snapmap again and we'll have issues. We've talked about this before. " Sapnap complained. Dream mimicked him in a high-pitched whiny voice, Eret held his hands up in surrender, not wanting anything to do with the upcoming war that would for sure break out between the two.

" Dream. Cmere. We're doing quality boyfriend bonding time. " George hollered from upstairs. Nevermind. The war could wait. Dream's face heated up as he glanced apologetically at Sapnap and Eret, who were obviously stifling laughter as he left. Sapnap was smirking victoriously.

He wandered upstairs and stuck his head into the room, his ears flopping lazily. " You know, if you wanted to cuddle you could've come downstairs and socialize. " He huffed as he hopped onto the bed.

George pouted. " Ew people. Why would I want to interact with other people when I have you? " He complained as he wrapped his arms around Dream. " But that's besides the point. I was going to teach you how I preen my wings. " He chirped happily.

" Preen.. Your... huh? What's a preen? " Dream whined. He glanced over at George's fluffy white wings. " I don't see anything wrong with your wings so why mess with them? Don't fix what isn't broken or whatever. " George puffed out his cheeks.

" Preening is basically cleaning my wings. You know how like you brush your hair. " He glanced up at Dream's messy, tangled hair. " Okay maybe that wasn't the best example since you never do that, but you know what I mean, right? "

Dream snorted but nodded, not bothering to protest or mention anything about his hair. George held out a wing and Dream backed up slightly so he wouldn't be smacked by it.

" Okay look, you see how this feather is crooked and a bit ruffled? " George hummed, trying to resist impulsively fixing it.

Dream nodded again, his eyes fixed on the feather.

" I'm just going to take it and straighten it out like... This! " He shuffled the feather a little until it blended in with the rest and sat neatly. He beamed at it for a moment before turning back to Dream.

" Okay, now you try! " He suggested as he held out the other wing, The other wing happened to be the side he slept on, so there were plenty of ruffled, out of place feathers.

Dream hesitated before taking one of the feathers and awkwardly shuffling it back into place. George smiled. " Yeah! You did it right. Don't worry. " George reassured him. Dream moved his hands to a new feather, which was bent out of place and almost in half, he tilted his head at it.

" This one seems pretty roughed up. " He told George as he examined it.

George glanced over at it, humming decisively. " Just yank it. It's a little too far gone and it's not a very useful feather anyways. " He advised.

Dream's eyes widened. " Wh- What? I don't want to hurt you! I can't do that. " He yelped, quickly drawing his hands away. Flashes of blue stained feathers filled his eyes and he jumped when he felt George rest a hand on his shoulder.

" Relax, Dream. It's fine. It doesn't hurt. " He promised, running a hand through the taller's blonde hair.

Dream held his breath before reaching forwards and carefully plucking the feather. George shook out the wing, ignoring the flood of apologies coming from Dream's mouth. " That's a lot better. " He sighed in exaggerated relief. Dream seemed to do a double take, falling quiet.

" It is? " He finally managed to squeak out. George nodded.

" Feathers like that brush against other feathers and it tickles. " He said sheepishly.

Dream nodded slowly and hesitated again before going back to smoothing out George's wings. George beamed at the imp, happy to have been able to teach him something new.

He leaned back slightly, resting his head on Dream's shoulder as Dream continued to preen his wings. He was growing drowsy from the comforting feeling.

He nuzzled into his soft sweatshirt and let himself drift to sleep, Dream mumbling some song he'd never heard before. 

I am so tired. Help. 

Anyhow I have like 3 story ideas for the next thing I write and one of them I guarantee will be written and the other two will probably be turned to oneshots, but at the same time I kinda don't want them to be oneshots so it's driving me insane. 

I know I will be writing another DNF requested fic, I already have that one set up. I just need to start writing it. 

I know I also really want to write an SBI fic. 

And then the other idea was Dream Team as siblings ( George is oldest, Dream's middle child, Sapnap's youngest. ) And SBI siblings all go to like the same school or something, and Dream and Techno are Enemies while Sappy and Tommy get along because they cause trouble together. 

If any of y'all want to see a specific one of those written just let me know. 

That's all. Sorry about how short the bonus chapters have been, I thought I would be mass producing them, but I'm literally drowning in writers block. It's been so freaking bad.

Love y'all!!!

Moony <3

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