Bonus chapter 8

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A little short again, but it felt good enough to me lol. 

Tommy's screech rang through the apartment in an almost deafening manner. " THERE'S A FUCKING RAT! " He shouted. Dream looked up at him with a deadpan expression, and then over at the rat who dared to step foot into his apartment.

" Patches'll get it. I don't see why you're freaking out. " He grunted, turning his attention back to his task at hand, doing absolutely nothing.

" But- But- It's a rat! " Tommy exclaimed, glancing wearily back at it. Dream burst into a fit of laughter.

" You're in hell, Tommy. What were you expecting? " He asked. Tommy pouted.

" Oh I don't know, maybe to not go to hell? " He huffed. Dream shrugged nonchalantly.

Tommy sat down beside Dream on the couch, his hands weaved in his hair. Dream frowned at him, his ears lowering as he sat still, unsure of how to help. Tommy's wings curled around himself and Dream hesitantly scooted closer. " Are- Are you alright? I know it's a stupid question. " He murmured.

Tommy let out a low sigh, removing his hands from his harsh grip on his hair. " Sort of. " he responded.

" Why don't you tell me about what you've done while you weren't visiting me, hmm? " Dream prompted, trying to take Tommy's mind off of whatever was upsetting.

" Oh. Well. " He tilted his head thoughtfully. " I joined the border patrol and met an angel named Wilbur. " He said. Dream nodded, listening quietly. " He's an odd one. He has very strong opinions on- "

" Anteaters. " Dream guessed with a smile. Tommy snorted and laughed. It was practically a confirmation. " Trust me, I've heard his anteater spiel too. " Dream said.

" Yeah, but if you talk to him more, you'll find he's a pretty great guy. " Tommy said fondly. " Then I met Techno. " Dream perked up, his tail wagging excitedly.

" Technoblade? " He blurted eagerly. Tommy rolled his eyes.

" Yes, Technoblade! " He shouted out Techno's name to put more emphasis. Dream chuckled.

" Alright, go on. " Dream said unapologetically. Tommy huffed and crossed his arms, leaning back.

" Technoblade is very poggers. He's also short. " Tommy added on the last bit after a moment of silence. Dream cackled.

" Techno is short compared to us. " He agreed. Tommy grinned widely.

" Just like Tubbo. " He added. Dream tilted his head curiously.

" Tubbo? " He parroted curiously. Tommy paled and looked down, his tail slowly flicking.

" He was uh. He was my best friend. " The blue-eyed blonde said weakly. Dream hummed. He wondered what it was like to have a best friend. It wasn't like he ever had one. His parents were hardly parents.

Tommy's posture drooped and he ran his hand through his hair. Dream frowned and in the spur of the moment, gently wrapped Tommy in a hug. Tommy stiffened for a moment before melting into it.

" Thanks for showing me the ropes, Big D. I appreciate it. " He muttered. Dream furrowed his eyebrows playfully.

" What did I tell you about that nickname. " He chastised lightly, flicking Tommy gently.

" It's a great nickname. " Tommy argued. " You're the one who makes it weird. " He added with a laugh.

Dream pouted and hushed him. Patches padded through the wall, pausing as she looked up at the two. Her eyes narrowed, her tail flicking as she slowly trotted over and hopped up in between them.

" I didn't know you had a cat. " Tommy said in surprise. Dream nodded.

" This is Patches. " He said as he pet the ghost cat. Tommy hummed.

" I'm a bit more of a dog person myself. " He claimed. Dream smirked.

" Careful, she can understand you. " He said quietly. Tommy's eyebrows raised and he too fell silent.

Patches purrs started to rumble around the room and Dream glanced away from her and out the window. He watched the fire quietly as it burned down.

If he could remember correctly. The old apartment building had an empty room next to his. Tommy could move in there. He decided he would offer that to Tommy once the boy woke up.

He slipped off the mask, blinking a couple of times.

He hummed to himself contentedly. Just a random tune he'd heard once.

" If I could begin to be half of what you think about me, I could do about anything..."

Hey y'all! 

This story is coming to a close in the mere matter of like 3 chapters maybe * Sniffles * 

When it does get completed, I will still continue to respond to comments. 

I don't know if I'll do a giant story like this again. But I do have more general stories planned. 

I want to give a big thank you to Sian, Boom, and Cressie for chilling with me, I've met so many amazing people doing this and it makes me so happy. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful ( Insert time of day ) 

Love y'all!!!

Moony <3

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