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Dream woke up, his ears twitching. He could hear chatter outside the tent, but it sounded distant. He opened his eyes and saw George and Eret sleeping peacefully beside him. He sat back and listened carefully.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been awake for, or what time it was, but he noticed the voices getting louder. He heard a voice spike up in volume and he shot up in alarm, trying to make out what they were saying.

He accidentally woke up Eret and George in the process. The two groaned and looked around with half lidded eyes.

" What's a matter, Dream? " George asked in a soft, tired voice. Dream took a shuddering breath and heard them say something about tracks. His eyes widened.

" Dream?" Eret waved a hand in front of his face and he shook his head.

" They found us. We need to move. " He whisper-yelled. George shot up, knocking the blanket off. " We need to pick up and move fast. " He put emphasis on his words and quickly scooped up the blankets.

Patches hopped into the bag and Eret snatched up the phone and a chair. " Here, george. " Dream shoved the blankets at George, who took them quickly. The blonde grabbed up the rest of the chairs and the fallen fairy lights, motioning eret and George forwards.

He took a deep breath as they jogged swiftly away, he quickly covered up the tracks, the other voices were loud and clear now, he had just backed into the bushes when one of them stuck their head into the clearing. Dream's heart stopped and he turned and fled, doing his best not to trip on the chairs.

He caught up with Eret and George, wincing. " They just entered the clearing as soon as we left. " He said as he continued to cover up their tracks.

" Well then we narrowly avoided disaster then huh? " George hummed. Eret nodded.

They continued the long trek through the woods and came across more open land, a river sat, blocking their path. Dream's eyes widened. " Remember when we watched 101 Dalmatians with Sapnap? " He asked. Eret's eyebrows raised.

" You don't think that would work, would it? " George asked. Dream shrugged.

" It's worth a try. " He said as he carefully stepped onto the ice, he felt himself slide a little, but it didn't appear to be breaking so he gave the two a curt nod.

They walked down the frozen over river, being careful with each step. It led them to a new, denser woods. They decided it would be safe to settle there and set down a new, larger version of the blanket fort just in between the old woods and news woods, right next to the water.

George and Eret settled down to eat, Patches occasionally poked her head out from the bag. Dream debated going to find food, but the idea of killing an animal made him feel queasy. Being down on Earth really did change him.

Dream strung up the fairy lights inside and suddenly the phone started ringing. He stared at it for a moment before picking up. George and Eret were out playing on the lake and learning the environment.

" Hello? Anyone? Who picked up? " Dream stayed dead silent for a moment before finding words. Though, not quite the right ones.

" ╘┬ ╬ ╒ ▄ ╧ " He heard Sapnap sigh on the other end.

" Dream? Are you okay? I came back and the house is absolutely trashed! There's no caution tape or anything, but it's absolutely destroyed. " He sounded mad. Dream's ears lowered.

" ▄ - We had to flee. " For some reason he felt the need to whisper. " We are in a new hiding spot. They almost found us like... An hour ago? Maybe it was less, maybe it was more. Time is kind of non-existent at this point. " He continued on, his voice wavering.

" But you guys are okay right? No one's hurt, right? " Sapnap questioned.

" Oh, well, George and Eret are okay, but when I went to the house I almost got caught and had to hide in the snow. Turns out snow is not okay. It burns. " He muttered.

" Okay. Okay. Are you... god this is so stupid. Do you have medical equipment? " Dream shook his head while replying.

" No! We haven't got anything! All we have is a cat, a phone, some blankets to hide in, some chairs and very little food and water! " Dream wailed, frustrated not only with the situation, but with himself. He could've gone to grab food while they were first evacuating, he could've done so much more.

" Alright, Alright, relax. It's okay. " Dream jumped with a yelp when George burst in.

" Dream?" He heard Sapnap yell. Dream deflated with relief.

" I heard yelling, are you okay? " Dream nodded and handed George the phone. George gasped and quickly held it up to his ear.

" Hello? Sapnap! " He cheered. He watched the boy converse over the phone light heartedly. He admired the brunette's hair. It looked so soft. He shook his head and brushed a hand over one of his ears. He swore if they got any colder they would get frostbite or turn to ice.

He shuffled his wings and let his frustration flare into the anger, temporarily setting his wings on fire for a heartbeat. The tent felt a tad warmer, but it still wasn't much, Eret walked in and looked questioningly at George.

" Sapnap called. " Dream whispered, Eret nodded and sat down beside him.

George bade Sapnap farewell and set down the phone, leaning tiredly against Dream. Dream slumped and gave a small sigh.

" Well, we're still alive, so I think we're doing okay. " Dream said. Eret and George nodded. Patches hopped out of the bed and curled up on Dream's lap. George was snoring softly and Eret looked really worn out.

He on the other hand was on high alert, he felt he needed to keep an eye open for any potential threats. His ears flicked as he listened carefully. He relaxed when all he could hear was the gentle breeze that drifted through the trees. He slowly glanced down at George and then closed his eyes. He felt warm for the first time in a while despite all the events that had previously happened. 

Hi y'all!

I'm considering starting up a oneshot book for on the side writing and for whenever I don't want to write according to the storyline for this lol. so uh, that'll be open to read ig. 

Other than that, stuff has been boring. I'm re-watching a bunch of old Markiplier videos since Unus Annus is no more. 

Love y'all!!!

Moony <3

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