Bonus Chapter 5

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Dream's hands were snug in his hoodie pocket as he padded down the street beside George. He glanced around anxiously. The last thing he wanted was to be seen by another person. Especially with George not knowing how to hide his halo and wings.

He glanced at George who seemed to be having an internal war with himself.

" You alright? " He asked wearily. The road was odd against his hooves, almost like he was walking on grit. He wasn't used to such a hard path.

George looked up at him with guilt-ridden eyes. " If you really want to know, no. I'm not. I dragged you into this mess. You shouldn't have to be stuck here with me. " He murmured, his halo dimmer than usual.

Dream frowned. " No, I contributed. I could've just ignored you. This isn't your fault. " He protested.

George shook his head. " I'm sorry. " He heard him whisper and Dream stopped walking, catching the shorter's attention.

George turned around with a nervous, slightly confused expression. Dream hesitated before wrapping him up in a hug. " Stop apologizing. Let's just agree that it's both our faults, yeah? "

George nodded. Dream felt a small smile tug at his lips. " It's odd seeing you look like a person. " George suddenly blurted as they returned back to walking.

Dream wheezed so hard he ended up hunched over, trying to catch his breath. Once he managed, he ended laughing a high-pitched cackle again, reminiscent of the sound of a tea kettle.

" Wh- That- Hh- That was such a random s- thing to say. " He said as he finally managed to catch his breath without bursting into another violent fit of laughter.

George giggled, though his eyes were filled with mild concern. " You aren't dying already, right? " He asked. " When you laugh it sounds like every last bit of air is leaving your body. " He added.

Dream shook his head, trying desperately to not start again. " I'm fine, I'm fine. " He reassured him, patting his shoulder.

George perked up. " Here's the neighborhood! " He exclaimed excitedly. Dream tilted his head and followed close behind, reaching for George's hand.

" Let's stick close together. Being in public while literally being dead isn't the best. " Dream said firmly. George pouted for a moment before nodding in agreement.

He let himself get dragged around by Dream, giving him directions and occasionally yelling " Your other left! " when Dream decided to turn right when he was told to turn left.

George beamed " House! " He exclaimed.

" I'm aware. We've passed several during our walk. " Dream said bluntly.

" No, that's my- I mean Sapnap's house! " He pointed more frantically.

" Oh. We're here already. " Dream hummed as he turned the corner. He glanced around, his features suddenly springing to existence.

His ears were flattened anxiously and his tail was flicking, both dead giveaway to the fact he was terrified.

George patted his shoulder. " Relax, Dream. We'll be fine. " He reassured the blonde, who was tugging on his mask straps.

Dream looked away. " well how is your friend going to react? You're supposed to be dead. " He said flatly. George had concluded the more scared Dream was, the more blunt he got.

George shook his head. " It'll be fine. " He said confidently. Dream tugged on his shirt. " W- Why don't we just turn around and go to the forest, hmm? It'll be safer. " He said.

George shook his head. " Dream.. We have to stay somewhere and I'm absolutely not staying in a grimy forest. "

Dream snorted. " Why? Scared your going to get your pretty, fluffy, stunning, bright, shining, uh- your- your wings dirty? " He'd caught himself. Sort of. Okay he may have gotten a little carried away. Nice one Dream. He scolded himself internally for a moment until George replied.

" No. I just don't want to spend every last second of my afterlife with a whiny pissbaby. " He retorted, it was light-hearted though. He was smiling widely and chuckling.

" Pissbaby?! Where'd you get that one from? " He yelped.

" Wilbur. " George said with a shrug. " He had a lot of questionable stories about you. " The brunette raised an eyebrow in a teasing manner, looking up at Dream's smiley face mask that disguised his true facial expression.

" Of course Wilbur would tell you that. " He groaned, his ears drooping with newfound exhaustion. " Wilbur knows every unfortunate story everyone. But it's not like he's perfect or anything. He has a very specific grudge about anteaters and talked to me and Phil about eating sand for like 15 minutes straight or something like that? I don't remember. I spaced out for most of it. " Dream ranted, crossing his arms with his tail flicking indignantly.

George laughed. " I'm aware of his hatred for anteaters. He needed a conversation topic while he and Bad were showing me around, and ended up talking about how they were dicks for the entire walk. " He smiled at the memory.

Dream rolled his eyes. " Of course he did. " He grinned. " What about Tommy, did he tell you anything about Tommy? " Dream asked curiously.

George thought and searched his memories for a heartbeat. " Yeah, he mostly made fun of him though. Warned me that he was obnoxious or something. " Dream chuckled.

" Tommy's like a little brother to me. " He said, not bothering to hide the fondness in his tone. " Used to follow me around like a duckling until he decided he was a big man and claimed he didn't need me. Also called me Big D. I gave up on trying to get him to not call me that. "

George cackled. " Big D? " He patted Dream's back. " well, Big D. I think Tommy just knew how to boost your confidence. " He said with a wink.

Dream felt heat rush to his cheeks as a hand subconsciously reached for one of his scarlet colored ears. " Sureee. " He said with a weak laugh.

George rolled his eyes and tugged on Dream's arm, prying his hand off his poor ear.

" Come on. Let's just knock on the door. " He said. Dream averted his stare, looking at his feet nervously.

" Alright. You do it though. I don't want this snapmap dude to think I'm Satan. " He mumbled. George laughed under his breath.

haha we jump wayyy back in the timeline today.  Back to some of the earlier chapters. 

Anyways, Hi! It's been a while hehe. 

Next Bonus Chapter will hopefully  be written by my friend Cressie. No guarantees though. 

I created an ao3 account for random oneshots I write. ( A good majority are SBI and Tommy-centric. I might also write more Ranboo. ) You can find a link in my bio, my user should be MoonMarsh

Only like one or two more bonus chapters before we get to the big ol' finale. 

Man has this story been quite the trip. Also, holy fuck we hit 100k. That's a lot. thank you so much for all the support you've given me. 

I love y'all so so much!!!

Moony <3

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