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Same schedule as usual. Dream was walking down the street yet again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before running down the slope.

He tackled George into a hug and George screeched in surprise before hugging back.

" I was not expecting that. " He said between his giggles. Dream smiled.

" So. How was your day? " Dream asked as the pair flopped down in their usual spot at the border.

" Boring. " Answered George flatly. " I just got lectured by Bad on why angels shouldn't cuss after accidentally letting it slip earlier. " He complained. " I think you're rubbing off on me. " He added, elbowing the imp with a wide smile.

" Aw. Look at you! They grow up so fast. " Dream sniffled and wiped a feigned tear from his eye. He grinned maniacally, his sharp teeth gleaming. " I'm so proud. "

George laughed softly and plopped his head onto Dream's shoulder again.

Dream looked rather amused as he ruffled George's soft hair. " Okay then. Good night? " He questioned with a laugh. George gave a small smile and closed his eyes.

Dream could feel himself growing drowsy sitting there and eventually couldn't help but drift to sleep himself.

Tommy and Wilbur were doing night patrol that night. They had just so happened to be the ones to stumble across Dream and George.

" Woah- okay- wasn't expecting that. " Tommy gaped.

" Isn't that the new guy? " Wilbur mumbled as he stared down at George for a moment. " I guess we have to report this. " Wil added with a frown.

Tommy looked up. " I hate being soft, but isn't that a little cruel? I don't think I've seen Dream interact with-... Anyone. And he was born in hell. " He said quietly.

" That's possible? " The angel gasped, looking up. Tommy rolled his eyes and nodded.

" Well, punishments can't be that bad... Right? Is it that bad to make a friend? " Wilbur said.

" I- I don't think we have a choice. I don't know what they'll do if they found out we didn't report this. " The two slowly backed up with large frowns before turning back in heaven's direction, Tommy lagging behind because he felt awkward being the only demon.

The two woke up the next theoretical morning and Dream jerked up in alarm, accidentally knocking George over, who groaned in response.

" OhnoOhnoOhNo" Dream was increasingly becoming more and more panicked, his tail lashing furiously and his ears pinned sharply against his head.

" Why are you ' oh noing ' ?" George mumbled in a tired voice, looking around.

" Border patrol must have seen us for sure. We were out all night. " Dream wailed into his hands.

George frowned and wrapped an arm around him. " It'll be oka- " He cut himself off as he looked up. Dream felt him begin to tremble and protectively scooched in front of him before looking up.

" Techno... " Dream laughed uneasily at the evident disappointment in the male's gaze.

" Stand up Dream. " He said gruffly, his pig ears twitching. Dream was quick to oblige.

" George.. " Came a softer voice. Dream looked over to see Bad staring down at the brunet before offering him a hand.

The imp turned his head away quickly, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt genuinely sick. Techno turned around and handed Dream his old mask.

The blonde hesitated before putting it on with shaky hands.

He followed Techno through heaven and was led to a new area. It was so perfect it felt imperfect. Clean white pillars stood tall and ominously. Dream was sure he was going to vomit.

He noticed a panicky George being dragged in gently by Bad and took a deep breath, his head spinning.

" Look at what the cat dragged in. " Sneered a voice.  Schlatt. Dream frowned and looked down, not daring to utter a word.

" Now, I was told you have been caught, and confirmed to be interacting with an angel from heaven. Am I right or wrong? " He cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone.

" You're correct, Sir. " Mumbled Dream.

" And George, obviously you are that angel. Am I right or wrong? " Schlatt added.

" You're right. " George answered shakily.

The crowd was closing in on the two, angels with wide curious eyes and demons with malevolent smirks.

Dream slipped himself protectively in front of George again. " Punish me. J- Just leave him alone. It's my fault anyways. " He cringed at how cheesy he sounded, but he meant every word.

" Dream- " George squeaked, but Dream was quick to dismiss him.

A look of guilt flashed across both Bad and Techno's faces. Dream took the mask off and looked Schlatt square in the eyes, anger bubbling up in him.

" They'll both be punished. It's their fault. They should know the rules. " Someone in the crowd shouted, causing uproar between the two parties.

" Hush. " Snapped Schlatt. " I agree, punishment for both. I've got something perfect. " He smirked.

Dream slipped the mask back on, frantically grabbed George's hand and yanked him into motion, sprinting out of the courtroom. He could hear angry shouting and cries of disbelief but forced himself to ignore them.

He had his eyes shut tight and he had no clue where he was going and suddenly his feet hit something hard.

He opened them and stood there dumbfounded.

" What the hell. Where are we?? " He snapped in frustration before turning around to George who had wide eyes he could see from beneath the goggles. George stumbled backwards, tripping on his own feet and Dream was quick to catch him and forced him up.

" You obviously know. Where are we? " He repeated his question a bit softer this time, trembling a little as he looked at the odd looking scenery around him. everything was green. Very, Very green. With the exception of what they were standing on.

" We're alive. " breathed George. " We're on the same road that leads to mine and Sapnap's house. " 

I did a little animatic thingy in like 20 minutes for this. 

So uh yeah. Any suggestions, critiques or tips? 

Moony <3

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