New year plans + 2021 + closet + party

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Gremlin: I don't know really
Baby alien: I GET A NEW BED!
Everyone but gremlin: ?
Gremlin: * sighs* he broke his bed
Everyone: oh...
Rottweiler: anyway next thing... are y'all excited for 2021
Dragon: excited and a bit nervous
Fox: oh yeah. Forgot about the thing your a bit nervous about for a second.
Cotton candy: hold up... what's going on next year?
Penguin: c.l. and dragon are getting married next year
Rottweiler: * sniffs* I can't believe my little sister is going to get married
C.l.: and he's going to be like this pretty much the rest of his life huh?
Poodle: yep. Anyway does dragon know about the thing your wearing for the wedding
C.l.: no he doesn't know
Dragon: * sitting there confused*
Rottweiler: * sobbing*
C.l.: Rottweiler seriously...
Disco ball: I'm not ready for the next year
Unicorn: why?
C.l.: oh please don't be one of those cheesy dad jokes-
Disco ball: because that means 2021!
Cotton candy: pfff
Giraffe: ... I don't get it...
Tree: just be glad your tall enough to where I can't slap common sense in you
Giraffe: ...
White tiger: oh and there's a New Year's Eve party tomorrow and Thatfrostybunnygirl sent us heart shaped marshmallows for the party. And one has a finger in it-
Frog: A FINGER?!?
Kitty: man what did they put in those marshmallows? Like just imagine someone asks them for the recipe
C.l.: " oh the recipe is sugar, flour, fingers-"
Kitty: wait what was the last things?
C.l.: "... flour."
White tiger: ANYWAY I'm excited.
Penguin: what's the last thing?
Cotton candy: locking you and eagle in a closet for an hour.
Penguin: ok hand me a pillow
C.l.: * gives penguin a pillow*
Penguin: * angrily screams in pillow*
Robot: * shoves eagle and penguin in a closet with a camera*
* one hour later*
Penguin and eagle: * set free*
C.l.: I heard a lot of angry screaming then it went quiet so what actually happened?
Penguin: * blushes* ...
Robot: * watches the footage* they kissed.
The shippers: * squeals*
Rottweiler: * still sobbing* m-my ears
Robot: * hugs Rottweiler*

A/N: hey guys send asks and dares!

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