Serpent is scared

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C.l.: who are you scared of tell us your secrets!
Serpent: ... ssssso I'll tell you who I'm ssssscared of but not all of my sssssecrets.
A random person from no where: SPEAK NORMAL!
Serpent: I can't help it sssssorry
C.l.: who the flip you scared of
Serpent: well it dependssssss. Gremlin when he's mad like did you ssssee what he did to the lassssst perssson that got him mad?
C.l.: reasonable
Serpent: and then there'ssss frog whenever he'ssssss overprotective or upssssset. Then there'sssssss penguin 24/7. Finally there'sssss ice cream when he'ssssssss being a ssssssssore lossser
C.l.: well there we have it people.
Dragon: wait then why don't you talk to me at all?
Serpent: oh becaussse I hate you
Dragon: ... oh...
Sea horse: then why do you not really talk to me?
Serpent: * blushes* I-I have my reasssssssons
C.l.: oooh~
Serpent: oh sssssshut up

A/n: hey guys need asks and dares! I'm going to make a new series tomorrow so keep an eye out for it

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