Wheres c.l. + is what kitten and penguin heard true

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Hedgehog: ...
queen bee: yes...
Swan: omg
Penguin: so I wasn't hearing things...
Kitten:  I won't scream... I won't scream....* repeats that over and over*
Kitty: you can scream if you want.
Kitten: * goes to a different room and screams*
Penguin: gosh dang if that's how she's going to act-
Rottweiler: why do you care?
Penguin: ok let's face it this will happen to most of the people here then she's going to scream her head off
Kitty: ... true.
Penguin: then everyone is going to have a headache
Tree: again, it's about people suffering why would you care
Dragon: wow
Poodle: * gets a text from stranger* oh god
Dragon: what?
Poodle: I got a text from a person * reads it again* crap
Everyone: ok tell us!
Poodle: so y'all know c.l.s abusive ex?
Everyone but Rottweiler: no
Rottweiler: long story short she got beaten up and forced into things until she left. She then decided she didn't want to be in another relationship then she met dragon
Tree: that story seemed pretty long
Rottweiler: well ask c.l. for all the details that's all me and poodle know
Poodle: anyway he is holding c.l. hostage and is probably trying to get her back into the relationship... * gets another text* and he just found out she is engaged.
Tree: is he going to let her go?
Poodle: not until he gets what he wants as usual.
Deer: ok someone needs to go and save her
Dragon: I will.
Poodle: I'm coming with.
Rottweiler: me too
Robot: so brave...
* the three leave on a quest to save c.l.*

A/N: hope you like it. Tired and hopefully I don't pass out. Send asks and dares!

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