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Robot: ok. * works the counter*
Karen: * walks in* I'd like a burger without the burger patty
Robot: ok...? * places order*
* order comes up*
Karen: this is an outrage! There's no hamburger patty!
Robot: but that's what you ordered.
Robot: if you say so... C.L.!
C.l.: * walks up to the counter* what seems to be the problem?
Karen: oh hi there little child. Do you know where your father is?
C.l.: I'm not an infant or juvenile. Is it because of my height
Karen: ooh look at you did you learn those big words today at school?
C.l.: ma'am don't underestimate me. I have 3 college degrees at Ivy League schools. I have an IQ of 180.
Karen: look just get your father over here so I can tell him a few problems I have.
C.l.: 1. I don't think my "father" can solve your life 2. Why does the manager have to be a guy? That's sexist
Karen: you can't say that!
Dragon: actually she can.
Karen: are you her father?
Dragon: no I'm her... * looks at c.l.*
C.l.: look he isn't my father. I'm the manager!
Karen: ugh screw this! * opens her drink and throws it at c.l.*
C.l.: ma'am don't have me call the police.
Karen: try. Me!
C.l.: * calls the police*
Karen: * taken to jail*
C.l.: now I'm covered in Pepsi...
Frog; man things went down at McDonald's
Penguin: what happened at McDonald's STAYS AT MC F*CKING DONALDS
Dragon: * covered c.l.s ears at the right time* here let me get you a towel * gets her a towel*
Giraffe: let's just leave and never return.
C.l.; * shivering* I will never go to McDonald's again....
Dragon; there's other fast food places.
Frog: you will never taste McNuggets again....
* dad music plays on the distance*
C.l.: I just want to go home....

A/N: I had fun writing this. Anyway send asks and dares. Man, c.l. Is traumatized. Lesson learned: never be a short manager

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