Le ship

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Everyone was put in a sound proof room and said their otp ship. Later, we told everyone who ships what

C.l: * in a sound proof room* hmmm... well I ship everyone but my favorite two are my brother Rottweiler x robot and my sister poodle x deer
Rottweiler: defiantly turtle and swan. They are just so cute
Poodle: alien x rabbit or eagle x penguin. They are tied
Broccoli: * shrugs* idk any of them too well besides family, but I guess hippo and lion
Alien: of coarse my brother Astro x kangaroo
Astronaut: ... egg and ice cream
Ice cream: 😐 ummm... I guess black widow and butterfly
Egg : me x ice cream
Sea horse: sun x crocodile. I had to push her just to talk to him. Idk if he likes her back doesn't help he's pink and you can't tell if he's blushing... but whatever. Also t-Rex and white tiger, unicorn x peacock, and unicorn x pineapple
Whatchamacallit: tough question. I have only known them for a bit but bear and rhino seem to really like each other
Thingamajig: ... me x no one
Kangaroo: thingamajig x Nicole idk
T-Rex: whatchamacallit x sea horse uwu
* fast forward to everyone*
Everyone: * blushing messes*
Sea horse: t-Rex w-why
T-Rex: because I know you like him
Whatchamacallit; * standing right there*
Sea horse: .... white tiger can you come over here please?
White tiger: * comes over* what
Sea horse: t-Rex likes you * leaves with whatchamacallit*

I'm going to leave it on that note. Let me know if you have any questions on who shipped what or in general, ask away

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