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Hey, y'all. So there is a reference to some MaTuRe content. There's no actual mature content cuz a. I'm wayyyyy too innocent, and b. I wouldn't feel comfortable writing that. But yeah, I thought I'd give a heads up.

"Natalie, don't worry, I'm sure Elliot is around here. We'll find him," Thalia places her hand on Natalie's shoulder.

"Wait! I think he's in my gym locker," Natalie stands up, stepping on Carlos's foot in the process.

He screeches loudly.

Natalie steps outside the classroom. Alaina, Gina, Carlos, and Thalia follow her out but stay by the door while Natalie walks to her gym locker.

"I need a moment," she sighs.

"Is he dead?" Ashlynn asks.

"No. Now she thinks he's in her gym locker," Alaina replies.

"Why the screaming?" Ashlynn asks.

"That was me. She stepped on my toe," Carlos replies. "We're ready to begin, people!"

"Hey, Big Red, where's Ricky?" Thalia asks as they walk into the classroom.

"I don't know," Big Red replies with furrowed eyebrows. "He won't answer my texts."

Thalia sighs and sends Ricky a text asking where he is. Maybe he'll respond to me..?


"Can you move a little closer to each other?" Miss Jenn asks Ej and Nini.

They step closer to each other by a centimeter.

"Little more," Miss Jenn chuckles. "Come on, guys, we're blocking this as a love story. Not a SARS epidemic."

"I think that chair was over there," Carlos mentions to Miss Jenn.

"Oh, I can move it over in the scene!" Nini suggests.

"Feels awkward," Miss Jenn denies her suggestion.

"It's light," Nini continues. "I can lift it above my head and walk."

"Sweetie, no one is walking with furniture on their head," Miss Jenn states. "This isn't the Lion King."

"Strike the chair, please," Miss Jenn tells Big Red.

"With what?" Big Red asks.

"Take it away. Remove it," She explains.

Big Red then goes to the chair and removes it from the mini stage.

"Troy, once the intro begins, cross downstage and plant yourself at the piano," Miss Jenn tells Ej and then turns to Big Red. "Which should be further downstage."

Big Red starts moving the piano upstage.

"No, dear, that would be upstage," Miss Jenn chuckles.

Big Red sighs and moves the piano downstage.

"Okay. Gabriella, you slowly approach the piano and rest an arm on it, naturally," Miss Jenn tells Nini.

"Can we make sure her book bag is off stage right?" Miss Jenn asks Big Red.

Big Red picks up the backpack and asks Thalia, who is sitting at the piano, "Which way is that?"

Thalia points toward stage right.


"Why do these people talk in code?" Big Red asks. " 'Up' means 'down,' 'strike' means 'move.' She says, 'Break a leg' and I'm like 'What did my leg ever do to you?' "

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