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7th Grade
You see, in 7th grade, there are two types of people. The ones that try way to hard and think that they're "popular" because they are hyped up by some other "popular" people and then everyone else who really doesn't care because a. no one remembers 7th grade and b. everyone hates their 7th grade self. It's a fact. Big Red, Ricky, Thalia, Alaina, Kourtney, and Nini were part of the ones that didn't care. All the 6 friends cared about was each other, but Thalia was also very worried about her grades.

Anyway, in 7th grade, the hormones were up for everyone. That's just how it is. We all know it's true. We have to accept it for what it is.

As you would assume, everyone had a very best friend in the group. Sure, they were all friends, but they each had one person they would confide in. Thalia and Alaina were best friends. Ricky and Big Red were best friends. Nini and Kourtney were best friends. But everyone in the group knew Thalia gave the best advice. If they had a problem, sure, they would talk to their best friend, but if they wanted advice about what to do, or even just to talk and vent, Thalia was their girl. And if there was a fight between best friends, Thalia was usually the medium. The reason being that Thalia has gone through a lot in her life. She's had to help herself. She knows her way around a tough situation. And though she doesn't share her problems with the group, she is more than happy to help them with their problems. Really, the only person who truly knows about her problems is Alaina. Thalia confides in Alaina. Ricky knows some parts of it, but he's learned over the years not to ask and just to comfort the girl.

Ricky especially goes to Thalia for his problems because she is smart. Big Red isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He's a good friend, but Thalia knows how to handle a fragile person, which Ricky most definitely is.

Over the years, Thalia naturally assumed Ricky felt the same way about her as she felt about him. No, she isn't snobby meaning she thinks everyone likes her, but as a little 7th/8th grader, she though Ricky was giving off the signs. He was touchy with her(always hugging her, wrapping his arm around her, etc.), inviting her to his house, complimenting her, among other things. She though he felt the same.

But, when Ricky came to her asking her for advice about how to ask Nini out in Freshman year of high school... Thalia realized she was just delusional. She realized that no one could like her. She was just a friend kind of person, you know the girl who is just the friend. Not a girlfriend. No one saw her as girlfriend material for many reasons. To all of her male classmates she either was a. too serious or b. not serious enough. Thalia chalked it up to be that she just wasn't good enough. But she didn't care that the other guys in her class didn't like her. The one that stung the most was Ricky. But she hates herself for being in love with her friend's boyfriend.

But can you really blame her for being in love with her best friend.


Okay! First pre-story chapter!! I'm excited for this but I have a feeling it's not gonna be the best. I hope y'all like it!

𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎 // 𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚗 [𝟷]Where stories live. Discover now