Chapter 2

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Jin's POV

I was just ready to put on my suit and suddenly the door of my room was pushed open against the wall, reveal Jennie in a really disgusting slutty dress. I'm sure it will leave a hole in the wall. "Oppa, let's go. It's about to start." Yes, today's her birthday and every unmated wolf regardless of rank has to come to a certain unmated wolf's birthday, including me.

"Shut your mouth and don't ever try to touch me." I walk out of my room and walk in the hallway to the hall where the party being held. I notice Jennie trying to slide her arm between my arm and my waist. Out of nowhere, a sweet scent of lavender and peppermint hit my nose. I stop at my track to feel Jennie just bump into my back. Then, someone mind-linked me. "Hyung." It's Tae.

"What is it?"

"A white wolf is at your personal pond, Hyung. What do you want me to do?" It's must be her.

"Let it be. I'll go there."

"But Hyung, I saw her or he running from the pack at the other side, the Blood Rose pack?" Appa's enemy?

"Let me check and make sure if it's a threat towards us or not."

"Yes, Alpha." The mind link unlinked and I look at Jennie, hiding my happy face. "What's wrong, Oppa?"

"Go by yourself, a rogue appears on my personal lake."

"Come on, let Taehyung do it." Selfish brat.

"Then, it's your fault if that rogue stronger than Taehyung and then he dies." I walk the opposite way and head towards my lake that I always visit with Appa and then transform into my wolf form. (Go back check to the Introduction)

Y/n's POV, a few minutes ago

I was chilling in my room, reading one of my collections of books on my bed. Suddenly, the door open reveals one of the maids hold a dress and a pair of heels and slowly place them on my bed. "What is this for, R/n(Random name)?"

"Don't know, but the Alpha ask you to wear it."

"Okay." R/n leave my room and I start changing into the dress.

I like it

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I like it. After styling my hair a little bit and put a light makeup, I get out of my room and go towards my Dad's office. I walk in, to see another guy sitting on one of the couch. He smells like Alpha. "Oh, you finally came." I look up to Dad and asks.

"Well, who's he?"

"Mated Alpha from Japan, Yuta." The guy on the couch and walks towards me and takes my hand to give a kiss at the back of it.

"Hello, Kang Y/n."

"Hi, and Dad, you said he mated?"

"Yes, and his mate just died two years ago and in my last decision, you will be mated to him."

"What?! Never!"

"Y/n, go to your room right now and you'll leave in two days to live in Japan with Yuta."

"Like I would listen to you." I run out to my room and locked in. I can't believe he decides to do this to me. Fucking asshole! I look at my window to see snow covering all over the forest. It won't hurt to go to the other side like Jimin said, right? I take off my heel and open the window widely. I transform into my wolf form and about to jump out of the window. "Y/n! Open the door right now!! Alpha's command." I hear my Dad yelling and loudly knocking on the door. Before the door breaks down, I jump out of the window and run as fast as I can. "Y/n!"

I run and run and run until I finally close to the invisible line between the Blood Rose pack and Crimson Diamond pack. I hear barking from behind me. Without wasting time, I jump into the other side and run deeper into the forest. I stop running in front of a lake and decide to take a rest here.

I sit down in front of the lake and look at my reflection. Thinking of everything since Mom leave and visit the Moon Goddess. Dad said she died right after I was born into this world. Thinking of all the harsh words that Dad throw at me for not finding my mate. Then, a sweet smell of chocolate and vanilla hit my nose. Mate. Finally, I found him. I get up and look around. I walk towards the scent, walk away from the lake. Then, I got collided and get my head hit so hard. I open my eyes to see an extremely big beautiful wolf above me.

(Your position)

He has black and red fur, red horn pointy ears

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He has black and red fur, red horn pointy ears. He's a rare-looking wolf and I love it. The chocolate and vanilla scent hit me again and it's from him. Look back where I was, I'm sure he's from the Crimson Diamond pack and an Alpha. I slowly transform into my human form and stare at him. "Hello, my Alpha." He also transforms into an extremely handsome man. Pale skin, cute round eyes, large plump lips, and chubby cheeks.

"Hello, my Luna. It's great to meet you after years. What's your name?"

"K-Kang Y/n." I stuttering, suddenly remember that his pack and mine have a terrible past.

"You look scared. What's wrong?"

"S-Sorry for y-your loss, my Alpha."

"You knew? By your last name, I bet you are his daughter." You know what, this is not gonna end well. I'll get rejected at the end.

"My Alpha, you can reject me if you want. My father is the cause of your loss."


"What?" I was shocked. I thought he hates me because of Dad. "W--"

"He's the one who killed my Appa. Not you, my beautiful Luna. Do you know my name?"

"Alpha Kim Seokjin," I said, with red cheeks because of his word towards me earlier. "Most powerful wolf in the world. It's you, my Alpha."

"Good. May I, your mate, mark you right now?"

"Yes, my Alpha." He comes closer to my neck and starts kissing and sucking it. When he found my sweet spot, I let out a soft moan.

"Did I find it, my Luna?" Can't look at him right now, I just nodded. He starts sucking at my sweet spot, then he bites it, quite painful but pleasurable. "Ahh~" After a while, he pulled away and licking it softly and he completely pulled away from my neck and then look at it. I slowly turned my head and look at my Alpha mate.

"Now, you are mine, Kang Y/n, or should I say, Kim Y/n." He leans down and our lips touched. He pulled away and stand on two feet. He helps me stand up and right after I finally on my feet, he carry me in his arm in bridal style and I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, scared to fell suddenly. He starts walking towards a direction which I'm sure it's towards his pack house. Wonder what fate will come upon me.

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