44- Nothing Good

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The next morning you woke up just as frustrated as you’d fallen asleep. You had looked over the railing into the living room twice and your parents were still posted on the couch. Leaving to find Bryce was going to be harder than you thought. You were hoping Tayler or Josh would come home soon and be able to create a diversion to help you sneak out.

You looked at your phone and your messages to Tayler and Bryce still went unread. You were starting to get worried because you expected Bryce to drop Tayler off but his bed had been unslept in. Your phone vibrated and you hurried back into your room to check it, but found only a text from an unknown number.

While you tried to work out who in the world would be texting you about their boyfriend, the phone started to ring

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While you tried to work out who in the world would be texting you about their boyfriend, the phone started to ring.

Madison: “You read my message, but were too much of a coward to respond? See? I knew you were on some sketch crap.”

You: “Who is this?”

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You: “Who is this?”

Madison: “It’s Nick’s girlfriend. I saw your number in his call log last night.”

You: *laughing*
“I’m not interested in Nick. I didn’t even know he had a new girlfriend, but I’m definitely not interested in him. Besides don’t you think it’s a little psycho to be so possessive over someone you can’t have been dating more than a week?”

Madison: “Try over a year, sweetheart.”

You felt your heart drop as you remembered the messy breakup you’d had just 2 weeks ago and the month long relationship before that. You hung up and debated turning off your phone, but didn’t want to risk missing Bryce’s call. Before you could react, Kelianne walked into your room looking pale:
“Are you that hungover? Wait how did you get in here? My mom said no visitors.”

Kelianne sat down in the chair, wringing her hands and your nerves went into overdrive: 
“I- I need to tell you something, but you have to promise you won’t freak out.”

You: “Sorry. I’m just on edge because my mom decided to randomly ground me and Bryce isn’t answering- Wait. What’s wrong?”

Kelianne: “That’s why I’m here.”

Your stomach began to churn as you felt your throat tighten:
“Wh- What happened? Is he okay? Oh God…”
Kelianne: “Yes, he’s okay. For now.”

You: “What does that mean? What happened?”

Kelianne: “When the boys were leaving the party, Ryland showed up.”

Your face drained to match what Kelianne looked like walking in your room as you moved to the edge of the bed to hear the rest of the story.

Kelianne: “I guess Nick had told him that he got into it with Bryce earlier at the party and Ryland showed up looking for a fight. Tayler was able to convince him to walk away, but the cops showed up and arrested him anyway.”

You: *shouting*
“WHAT?! WHY?! If he walked away why would they arrest him?”

Kelianne: “They said the prosecutor had revoked his bail but wouldn’t say why other than whoever had pressed the charges must have had some powerful and rich friends.”

You: *nearly growling*
“Ryland doesn’t have anything, but I know who does!”

Kelianne looks at you in confusion as you pull out your phone and dial.

Nick: “I’m sorry…”

You: “Save it! I just have one question for you-”

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You: “Save it! I just have one question for you-”

Nick: “Look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I got back together with my ex.”

You: “According to her you’ve been together over a year.”

Nick: “I guess so, but during that time we’ve gone on about 7 breaks. She’s all just very hot and cold.”

You: “Look, whatever toxic crap you want for yourself is all on you. That’s not why I called.”

Nick: “Bryce…”

You: “I know you had something to do with the prosecutor revoking his bail. I just want to know why?”

Nick: “You have to understand-”

You: *interrupting because you’re too furious to listen to another word*
“I already understand. I understand that you’re a pathetic loser who settles for being some psychopath’s pawn. I don’t want to hear anything from you except to send me an address where I can meet you to get the money to bail him out now that it’s been nearly doubled since you caused this!”

You hung up on him and Kelianne looked at you in shock while you scribbled down the address he just texted you. According to her you’ve been together the whole time and he says we go on breaks get to point and asks to meet him and Kelliane only agrees to go because shes worried for you. You grabbed your phone and jacket and pushed past Kelianne.

Kelianne: “Wait, we can’t go meet up with him. Bryce will kill you.”

You: “Bryce won’t do anything, and you don’t have to go. You can stay here but I’m going.”

Kelianne followed behind you trying to take the stairs as fast as you were. Your Mom jumped up as you slid your shoes on:
“Where do you think you’re going? You’re grounded in case you forgot!”

You: “Yeah, yeah. What are you gonna do... extra ground me? I don’t care.”

Bad For You: A Bryce Hall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now