23- First Date

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You climbed in his car and looked around before asking: 
“Is this Ryland’s car?”

You climbed in his car and looked around before asking: “Is this Ryland’s car?”

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Nick: *laughing*
“Absolutely not. He just borrows it to impress girls.”

You: “Oh thank God.”

Nick: “I don’t know exactly what happened between you two, but you don’t like still have a thing for him do you?”

You: “Not in the least. In fact, the car was the only thing about him I actually liked.”

You couldn’t help but laugh, but being back in this car made you feel really uneasy. You hoped it was something that would pass because you found yourself liking Nick a lot more than you planned to. Nick pulled up to a booth next to the beach. He tossed the valet his keys and then walked around and helped you out of the car.

You: “Are we going to the beach?”

Nick pointed across the street to a really fancy looking beachfront restaurant:
“We’re having dinner, there.”

You had never been to some place so nice. Your parents had tons of money, but you’d spent most of your childhood left home with nannies while they went to places like this with their friends. The host led you to a quiet table that overlooked the sun setting on the beach. You couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect first date if you’d tried. Nick asked what you like to drink and then ordered it along with an appetizer before sending the waiter on his way.

 Nick asked what you like to drink and then ordered it along with an appetizer before sending the waiter on his way

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You: “This is a lot nicer than the restaurant I sprung for at lunch.”

Nick: “Oh don’t worry about it. It’s not my money so it doesn’t really count. My grandparents and parents are rich so I have a trust fund I’m able to live off of until I graduate college and can start making money of my own.”

You: “What are you studying?”

Nick: “I’m a business major, but I’ll probably end up working for my dad. He’s the CEO of a company and someday I’ll own that company so I might as well learn how to run it.”

You: “That’s a really good idea. I have no idea what I’m going to go to college for. I already have scouts trying to get me to commit to state university, but I don’t know. I play volleyball, but I absolutely hate it. I don’t know if I want to go to college bad enough to keep playing after I graduate.”

Talking to him felt so different than anything you’d ever experienced. Aside from Dixie, and recently Kelianne, you’d never really talked to anyone about stuff this real. 

After dinner, you are heading back across the street towards the valet booth. He surprises you by taking your hand and leading you past the booth:
“Wanna go for a walk before we head home?”

You: “Sure. My curfew is midnight so I’ve got time.”

You walked hand in hand along the shore while you carried your shoes in your other hand. You loved feeling the water lap across your toes in the moonlight and feeling your feet sink in the sand: 
“Oh no. I’m not going to get sand all over your car am I?”

Nick paused and looked down at your feel and laughed:“Nah, don’t worry about it

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Nick paused and looked down at your feel and laughed:
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I have a towel in the trunk.”

You were still feeling bad and tried to rinse your feet off in the water as he pulled you closer to him with a smile. You never even saw the kiss coming, but when his lips pressed against yours you surprised even yourself by melting into it. 

Bad For You: A Bryce Hall StoryWhere stories live. Discover now