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her and her squad rode out on the plains from as they were ordered all to go in the forest with everyone else

"captain [name], what is the all around purpose of this mission? im confused" she head none other than akutagawa ask and she looked back at him who's hair flew gently

"this is for a training, to see who has the potential to become a great leader for humanity and i believe in all of you guys" she replied smiling ahead as she felt the tension lighten up and she sighed

"what if one of us die" she heard higuchi ask making her shiver heavily as she looked ober at eren and chuuya to see they were completely calm and collected

"then i will do everything i can to make sure you get burried properly, and i will gonto your funeral if your families decides to have one, its my job, plus you stayed loyal to me and thats all i would ever want from anyone, if not i'll kill you with my bare hands" she replied looking back and smiling at her as she looked away

"and plus, i already know who the traitors are, im just waiting for them to reveal themselves as the armoured titan and the collosal titan"

she saw berthodlt and reiners eyes widen up and smirked knowing her assumption was in fact correct, she had a hunch ever since she saw them anyways pft

when she was a kid and she was running, she saw berthodlt have the titan marks on his face, that looked like the collosal titans, and then reiner helped him, then the armoured came out through the wall? they planned it.

she saw their faces again later on, and knew they were doing it for information thats how their place works, since she was an marleyan herself she knew about it

she turned her attention towards the forest they were riding on as everyone bombarded her with questions, but she ignored them


[name] walked down the hallways of the scouting base only for her to hit in the head with something like a rock making her rubher head and turn around to be faced with reiner and berthodlt

"ah hey, whats up guys? need anything?" she asked politely smiling and she saw berthodlt blush as well as reiner but they went back to their postures

"what do you know about the collosal and armoured titan? i want to know as well as berthodlt here who suggested i asked you" reiner said stepping closer towards her

"oh! well for starters, they have a plan to attack shiganshina again when we go, also regain the founding titan blah blah, am i wrong, my favorite traitors?" she asked them putting a finger on their chests


"its just a hunch, i may be playful but im the smartest one here as of right now, i mean besides armin pft, your little plans are failing" she said looking the dead in the eye

"i hate you."

"says the one who tried to date me during training tsk tsk tsk, bye!" she replied walking away waving in a sing song mannor before crashing into eren

"eren! hey i havent seen you all day" she said hugging him with a smile and he chuckled returning one before grabbing her hand leading her outside

"so um whats the word with the-"

"tell me what you heard.." eren said slowly and she looked up at him passionately

"they asked about the armored and colossal, i know who the owner of it is, but you need to prepare for everything, eren, im worried about you and for you" she said sincerely

"i'm fine, im more worried about you, i mean youre a captain now, and thats such an important role for you im more worried aboit you than anything."

she didnt reply to that, instead decided to look ahead at all the dirt on the ground, everything was dried up from the sun, and plus its summer, she couldnt really do anything.

"dont worry about me, ill be fine" she said

"dont worry about me, ill be fine" she said

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