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this story damn near got 10k is unreal im so grateful omg thank u all sm

yet another day passes by without the two dating, the things that happened are shortly becoming better, but not when it comes to chuuya, not when it come to her job as a scout captain, and definitely not as it comes to hising her nationality and her fling with chuuya resulting in the two of them using each other as a stress relief.

"hey dazai, chuuya. are you guys free after dinner? she asked while sitting down at the regular table for breakfast since they barely ever ate together

"yeah.. also whats that thing on your neck? or is it from the training with fire over in the night? you know, lighting fire and things or is it something else?"dazai asked and she raised an eyebrow

"oh? i got burned with the lighter yesterday, its no big deal i put an ice pack on it." and she smiled knowing good and damn well she was lying through her teeth.

chuuuya and her got off last night and he left a couple hickeys in different spots claiming her as his own and saying that he "wanted to make sure everyone knows he's hers" and plus she wasn't even thinking straight, it was just so good to the point where she was lost.

she hadn't never thought of chuuya to be as foul mouthed as he was, but now that his secret was out, he took all of his stress and anger out on her and that showed how relaxed he was, he didn't smile but when he went back in his room he wad calmer but not being able to dream got him stressed again

eren and historia also used each other as a relief, it just wasnt as good as it was with [f/n] for eren. in his opinion, it was sloppy, messy, and didnt feel good, and it also smelled a little bit in the room.. which he wasnt gonna say any more of.

he clearly missed his own girlfriend, fucking another girl who didnt truly love him was getting boring, and he hated the fact that she didnt even care.

"you sure you okay?"

and she nodded before putting a spoonful of food into her mouth so that nobody would ask her questions while she ate, she was already getting tired of talking to others, she just wanted to be alone.

her time as a member of the scouts was running out, and it was running out fast enough to the point where she was sure if she didnt confess then reiner would for her, coincidentally ratting her out.

she looked over at chuuya before looking back at her food and she felt a hand on her shoulder only to look up and see hanji with a smile on her face and she hugged her before sitting beside her without saying anything at all and she sighed, only to realize she was finally being the one who they had an eye on.

continuing to eat her food, she ignored all the glares from the scouts at the table, she didnt sven speak anymore, she knew they were keeping an eye on her but they told everyone that she knew about it, this was truly unbearable for her.

thhe anount of pressure she now had, meaning that she'd have to act like herself and pretend that she wasnt from another place, pretend that she wasnt hiding anything, basically just going about with her daily life the way she did before nothing much different except the fact her true friends allowed themselves to watch her like a hawk, even if she was innocent.

which she completely wasn't.

erwin had been tough on her from the beginning of when she joined, but he had high respect for her since her and kevi shared skill, talent, and were overall just extremely strong people.

she hated the fact people only respected her for her last name and not herself in general, behind that last was straight abuse and shit that she didn't even like. she changed her appearance because that part of her parents were still in her every-time she looked at herself and see didn't want to see her parents while looking at herself, she only wanted to see her.

finally finishing er food she swallowed the last bit and looked up to see everyone looking at her with squinted eyes, (besides dazai, chuuya, and akutagwa of course) but she was still confused.

"do you guys need something from me or..?" she asked tilting her head to the side. making this stunt believe-able as possible for them and they shook their heads but she got up and threw her plate away then walked out of the room and towards her office, being well aware of the microphone on her shoulder hanji placed so she kept quiet, and walked down the hallways with her hands behind her back eyeing the scouts training

"hey, [f/n] lets go train. or do you have work to finish? if so the i'll just let you have your own time and the we can talk later?" chuuya aksed with a small smile and she turned around to meet eye with him and shook her head no to his question

"i'm pretty stacked up on work but ill talk later." a lie is what those words were. she was completely free for the day and she knew it, but feeling the need to trick whoever's on the other end of the microphone on her shoulder made a small smirk walk onto her face while she pranced into her own office and closed the door, unlocking it shortly after and letting out a sigh, she then sat down by her desk

"can you guys stop keeping secrets? i already know im a suspect, and i know about the microphone hanji put on my shoulder, just because im in a relationship with chuuya whos a suspect dosent mean i know about what hes doing or isnt doing. i dont have a clue." she said and smirked before taking her pin and signing off the paper on her desk, but soon enough she heard a knock on the door

"come in already"

and looked up to see erwin, levi, hanji, eren standing there and she put a hand on her chin with the smirk still on her face and hanji rolled her eyes

"how did you even find out? it hasnt even been a hour" hanji asked crossing her arms and she shrugged

"the fact you actually thought she'd be a traitor is disgusting in itself." levi spat snd a small smile appeared

"i think we should keep watch.." and she looked at eren with a raised eyebrow and tilted her head but she got an eye roll in response, it was clear he had a grudge against her, every one knew.

"fine with me, no caneras though, i change ny clothes quite often..." and erwin shook his head

"no, you're off the hook captain." and thrn he just wales out, hanji and kevi followed but eren stayed and blosed the door resulting in her putting her feet on the desk

"it's obvious you have something against me, so tell me what it is, im tieed of watching you babble nonsense about titans, and me, so spit it out yeager," and he rolled his eyes at her again

"how about i spit on you filthy nasty piece of crap instead?"

" that's quite kinky, don't you think?" she replied

"im leaving."

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