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Michikatsu bit his lip, walking down the mountain. Anger and unfairness filled his heart, the way his aunt kicked him out was unbelievable. He thought that she would spoil him to no end due to how she just left him so suddenly. Michikatsu thought that she might've felt guilty... but the situation earlier explained it to him clearly.

He wasn't special, his so called twin brother is.

"Yoriichi! Didn't I tell you not to go farther than the town!?" Y/n shouts, restraining herself from slamming her weak hand on the table.

The atmosphere in the room was thick, none dared to move as they would face the wrath of the rock- ah, I mean the wrath of Y/n.

"Sorry Obaasan, but I needed to make sure if Onii-sama made it back safe" Yoriichi replies nonchalantly. He's not scared if she got mad, why would he? He's not lying after all.

Y/n glared at the boy and clenched her fists, "Why you-

"Dear, calm down" F/n tell her worriedly, appearing beside her, "Your body is still weak, we can't have you screaming on top of your lungs" he says, holding her bony hand.

The woman huffs, pinching her temples before standing up with the help of F/n. "Fine, I'll rest for a bit" she sighed before staring down at Yoriichi. "Don't disobey my orders again, Yoriichi. Your actions represents my teachings to you, don't embarrass me because of your selfishness"

Yoriichi bites his tongue, afraid to talk back. "Hai"

"Good" Y/n says, walking away with her husband. Her sight slowly darkening.

The two kids gave a worried glance to the man before following where their parents have gone.

... v ...

Through the years Yoriichi had lived with Y/n, he noticed how strict she had become after being blessed with two children. Her once caring and motherly demeanor slowly withered away. At the same time, she grew weaker due to her old age. Frequent bursts of anger was quite normal as F/n always bugged the woman out of worry.

There was also one more thing he noticed. Y/n didn't have her two children study or even train swordsmanship. The fact that her estate was in a secluded area of the base was one thing to prevent them from learning or seeing too much swords.

Yoriichi had seen enough death in this world. Darkness and blood always lingered around him, he didn't want to have pure innocent children see this part of the world, they're too young to witness it. A child's mind can handle only so much until it inflicts damage.

Hatred stems from the heart.

"Hatred is the most destructive force in this world... It does the most damage to the ones who harbor such emotions" Y/n says out of the blue. Her gray eyes staring off into space.

F/n, who held her hand looked at her while she laid still on her bed, "what do you mean, dear?" He asks.

Y/n stared at the moon through her open window. The mere breeze made her shiver to her core. "Michikatsu must learn how to be accepting" she says, raising her hand to her face. "Just like how I accepted my illness my inability to see"

F/n sighs, placing her hand down. "You know how that boy is, even everyone in the corps envy Yoriichi" he says, knowing fully well that the brow haired boy was powerful.

"Ha... I know that. They once envied me too, the only difference was that it was much worse unlike now" Y/n tells him.

Turning her head towards his direction, she smiles at him. "I wish I could see your face once more"

"But you always see it" he says to her as he moved her hair away from her face.

"...but I took it for granted"

Y/n sat on her chair, facing the garden she personally taken care of. The sadness in her heart could not disappear, she can't see the beautiful garden she took pride on. She never even cared if it was beautiful or not. Y/n only did theses garden because of her love for flowers.

But, she already saw the flowers before, so much that she had gotten tired of seeing them. Taking her own hard work for granted.

The bird that always flew down to greet her was one of the things she took for granted. Knowing that she'd see it everyday, she wouldn't care to analyze its looks, she had plenty of time. And that time runs out quite faster than expected.

"...Y/n-sama, lunch is ready" Uta smiled, peaking in from behind the door. Her obsidian black eyes staring at the back of Y/n's head.

"Just give it to me later, I'm still... processing my thoughts" Y/n tells the girl.

Uta nods. "Alright" she replied before leaving the woman to her thoughts.

"Onee -sama... did you think I did a good job?" Y/n mumbled to herself, leaning back into her chair as she once again relaxed as the wind passed by.

Smiling softly, the scent of flowers came. "I remember, it was your favorite flower"

A girl with H/c hair adorned with jewels ran down hurriedly through her home's hall. As she did run, she was removing her pierces of jewelry and throwing it all over the place.

"Onee-sama! Onee-sama! I hope you're there!" Y/n thought. Hurrying over to the door that lead outside, she quickly ran towards the bushes that hid a door.

Once seeing it, she immediately opened it and quietly shuts behind her, "Onee-sama!" She whispered, worried for her elder sister.

"Y-Y/n?" A girl with black straight hair called out, her head peaking from the wall. "Over here!" She whispered to her, waving her hand towards her direction.

"Thank goodness they didn't see you!" S/n says, grabbing Y/n's arm and pulling her in the wall which she quickly blocked with a fake one. "I didn't think the Shiko family would attack us... in the middle of the night too..."

Y/n hugs her sister's arm and sobs. "A-all I could hear was screams and clashing, I was so scared when I didn't see you in your room. I thought they had you" she stuttered, gripping her sister's kimono tightly.

S/n's eyes soften and crouches to her sister's height. "Don't worry, as long as you're safe, I am too" S/n tells the trembling girl. "Here, remember this?" She asks, bringing out a necklace with a Sakura pattern on it.

The h/c haired girl nods. "O-Of course, that was my gift to you" she mumbles, bringing out the same necklace that was of her sister's.

"As long as the other half survives, it's complete. Right?" S/n questions, wiping away her sister's tears.


Y/n smiles fondly at the memory yet sighing at the sadness and fear she felt at the time. Slipping her hand her coat, Y/n felt around it's pattern.

"What about if the other half is gone, Onee-sama? Will it die and whither away?" She says to herself. "I can't believe I've get to live longer than you did, I should've been the one who's sacrificed, not you"


I just reread kny around the red district art and I freaking cried.

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