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Y/n smiles and raises her hand.


They watched as the instructor made his first move. As he brings his sword down on Yoriichi, the boy only dodges and sends a flurry of fast and light attacks.

Michikatsu's eyes widen, "I can't even land one single attack! Yet he didn't even train yet he already defeated master?!"

Y/N's smile widens as she rushed to the instructor and immediately removed the man's top clothing.

"Y-y/N-sama?!" The man asks surprised at the sudden doing of the female.

"I knew it!" She thought as her eyes scanned the each skin Yoriichi smacked his sword on.

The skin was purple and bruised.  His attack looked so light but the after attack was having him bruised all over.

The instructor groans in pain as he know felt the bruises, Y/n turns to Michikatsu, "Get the doctor, Michikatsu" she tells the boy.

Michikatsu nods slowly, before hesitantly going to get the doctor.

Y/n carries the man up and places him in the house before turning to Yorrichi.

"Good job Yoriichi!" She exclaims happily at the bland boy.

Yoriichi glances at the bruises male and looks down, "But I hurt him..." he muttered sadly.

The woman's eyes softens and crouches down to his height. "It's ok Yoriichi. You held back didn't you?" She says to him soflty.

Her mind wanders to her past when she accidentally killed one of her instructors because he kept annoying her.

Glancing off to the side, she mentally faceppalmed. "Maybe I went too far when I'm angry"

"But... I still made him in pain" he says, guilty.

Y/n smiles and pats his head, "Don't be guilty, you wanted the answers, do you not?" She asks the boy who now looked at her.

"I want... to know about this 'see through worl--

"Obasan! I brought the doctor!" Michikatsu yells out as he arrives, the doctor following  close behind him.

"Good job, Michikatsu" Y/N smiles and ruffles the boy's black hair, unbeknownst to her, he's glaring at his younger brother.

Turning to Yoriichi while Michikatsu hugged her side, "I'll talk to you later Yoriichi, go to my room at night" she tell him before leading the other boy up to platform.

"What powerful strikes these are! Who did this?" the doctor exclaims as he scanned each people bruise on the man's body.

Y/n taps the doctor's shoulder.

"Y-yes?" The doctor stammered as he turned to the lady.

Pressing a finger against her soft lips, she smiled yet her eyes blinded maliciously. She presses Michikatsu more to her side as a dark aura surrounds her.

"Please keep this a secret. And please do remind that instructor to keep his mouth shut on this. If I hear that any of you two opens your mouth about this..."

She drags her nail on her neck And smirks evilly.

"You will not see another light of day"

The doctor gulps, "H-hai!"

Y/n nods, satisfied and turns to Michikatsu, "Care to come with in my room? I have something to show you" she tells him.

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