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"..." Y/n stared at the black haired male. Her eyes burning his back, glaring daggers behind him with her arms crossed.

The cold night breeze brushed past her, making her feel goosebumps, despite that, it all vanished once she felt anger seep through.

Rage was filling her slowly, Her face began to get warm, walking and sitting opposite of him, her lips pulled in a scowl.

"You left them? Your family!?" Y/n snapped, her hand slamming down the table that separated them. Her body seeking with anger.

She couldn't believe Michikatsu's audacity to leave the family he created, just to surpass his own brother. "Are you serious!?" Y/n screams, glaring at him.

"You left your own children just for this?! People risk their lives protecting humans! Not to surpass someone stronger than them!" Y/n says, her hands clenches tightly, her knuckles turning white. "What you just did is unbelievable! Do you know what your mother would've said if she's still alive?!"

"...but she's dead" Michikatsu whispered as he kept his gaze down.

Y/n's eyes widened at his words and raised her hand. "You little.."


Michikatsu sat there, his head to the said as his aunt had slapped him. His cheek bruised a few seconds later due to her sheer strength. It seemed that she wasn't weak... just yet.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way, Michikatsu! Even though your my related blood doesn't mean you get to talk me that way" Y/n growled, glowering down at him as she stood up. "I'm your mother's sister! Even if you didn't meet her, you will listen to what I say!"

"What you did was unacceptable!" Y/n shouts, walking past him. "You're not entering the demon slaying corps!" She adds, her patience was running in a thin thread.

Michikatsu eyes widen, turned to her immediately as she walked past. "What!? You can't do that Obasan! I need this!" He pleaded. He was too afraid that his brother would surpass him, he can't have that, his pride can't handle it. Michikatsu grabs the hem of her kimono. "Please Obasan!"

Y/n turns to him, gritting her teeth, her cough threatening to escape her. "Michikatsu, I'm not having you enter the corps. Leaving your family just because of your fucking pride is a shameful excuse!. I didn't raise you like your father!" She says, pulling her kimono up to tug it away from his grip.

"Have some human decency!" Y/n snapped, clenching her fists in anger. "You are not going to be a shame to the family as long as I am alive! So fix your mess before I do!" Y/n thundered, turning away from him and walked to the door. "Dammit!!" She screamed, pushing the vase off the table, making it shatter upon landing.

"Leave this house at dawn, don't let me see your face until you sort things out with your family" Y/n grumbled, snapping the door behind closed, leaving Michikatsu alone in the room. "And don't you dare lie to me once you get back" she quickly says as she opens the door quickly and closing it immediately soon after.


Blood boiling as it sat in the shadows. Red smoke filled the air.


"Obasan, do you have to do that to brother?" Yoriichi asked as soon as Y/n left her room with F/n. He is eyes piercing through her.

"Oh good morning to you too, Yoriichi" Y/n greeted sarcastically, smiling so sweetly at him, accepting F/n's help on walking. "I didn't know you would wake up so early. Have the children eaten already?" She asks, she didn't want Yoriichi trailing his brother down again. It would be too bothersome.

Realizing he had overstepped, he pauses. "Hai... the two had already eaten..." Yoriichi replied, backing down.

Y/n smiles, holding F/n's hand that helped her sit down by the pillow. "Where's Uta?" She asks, looking around the kitchen. Confused as to why the girl was nowhere to be found. Uta was always found near the kitchen, given her love for food, Y/n had somewhat spoiled her.

After all, Yoriichi and Uta just begun a relationship which Y/n agreed to.

Yoriichi sits by the next pillow. "Uta went to the village to do some information regarding the sighted demon" he replies. "I'm... worried" Yoriichi muttered, still staring at his hands which clenched on his lap.

"Oh, that village? That's quite far" Y/n sighed, grabbing the bread F/n handed to her. "We may not hear from her for a week" she adds, bring the bread slowly. "F/n" she calls him out as she ate.

F/n walks out the other room, peeking his head in. "What is it, dear?" He asks. F/n had heard the scolding of Michikatsu, he was waiting to help Y/n to her bed that night after all.

"Did the kids go to their rooms already?" Y/n asks, glancing at Yoriichi's Hanafunda earrings which she had since she was little.

"Oh of course, their tutor has already visited earlier this morning" F/n replied, placing down a bowl and a cup as he entered the room. "They've been studying for about an hour now, they'll be finishing up soon" he adds, his yes flickering towards the sun.

"Hmm... that's good" Y/n murmured, sipping her tea which warmed her up. "Oh and Yoriichi?"

Yoriichi turns to her. "What is it, Obasan?"

"You're not allowed to have a mission outside your assigned village. I don't want you going to your brother to help him" she tells him sternly. Placing her cup down, she sighed. "I already sent Oyakata-sama this request and has agreed. So don't disobey it, Yoriichi" Y/n warns him.

Even if Yoriichi stood by the rules perfectly, she knew full well how he adored his brother.

"...yes, Obasan" Yoriichi answers, having no choice but to agree. He didn't want to burden both Y/n and the new leader.

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