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In a month, Y/n's condition worsened. Her face was pale as the snow and her body was a s frail as a glass. She couldn't even hold anything due to how weak she had become. Y/n was suffering.

"Obaasan" Yoriichi called out, entering her room.

Y/n's frail body laid there, she looked like in her death's bed. "What is it?" She asked in a soft whisper, her eyes looked so tired.

"I'm leaving the corps" he tells her, placing his sword down beside the woman. He stared at the wall opposite of him and awaited his aunt's scolding.

"...oh, Is that so?" She whispered, glancing at him tiredly. "That's good" Y/n says, smiling softly at him. "You can finally rest... and live your life to the fullest" Her voice slowly become inaudible that even Yoriichi could barely hear her.

Y/n stared at the ceiling, she was cold. Ever since she had a burst of anger firm Michikatsu and Yoriichi, it seems that it took a toll on her already weak body. "...why are you leaving anyway? Someone gave you a hard time?" She chuckled, only to cough later.

Hearing no reply, she glanced up at him and her smile faltered at the thought of his troubled expression. "Yoriichi. . .?"Y/n asks, her hand slowly caressed his cheek. "What wrong?"

". . .Onii-sama turned into a demon"

"Wha-ack!!" Y/n gasps as pain erupts in her chest.

"Obaasan! Are you alright?" Yoriichi asks worriedly,leaning forward in instinct.

Y/n groaned in pain, her hand gripped her futon tightly while her brows scrunched. Sweat began to drip down her face as she whimpered.

"What's wrong?! I hea- Dear!" F/n shouts worriedly, as he busted through the door.


F/n stared at his wife's sleeping face. He could still see her pained expression despite being in such a peaceful sleep. Beside him sat Yoriichi.

"Yoriichi" he called him out. "I heard of the punishment set on you" F/n says, gripping his pants tightly. "Please don't tell that to Y/n" he whispered, trembling in his place. Gritting his teeth, his brows scrunched as tears formed in his eyes. "I know that Y/n would try to take the punishment since she already thinks that her life is already done"

F/n turns to Yoriichi with a somber yet caring face. "So please don't tell her about you having a possibility of committing Seppuku. I know... that she will take it in your stead" he pleaded before bowing to Yoriichi into the ground. "Please, the children cannot grow up without their mother, just let Y/n die naturally instead of the sake of you"

"...I understand"

Despite F/n's wishes for natural way of death, it seems that Y/n never had a chance to die peacefully.

Just weeks after the sudden change of punishment for Yoriichi, Y/n was discovered dead, along with F/n.

Their bodies were found stabbed in their own room, blood pooling under their cold bodies. Their pale skin was haunting for their two children to see. The fact that they saw their parents personally dead infront of them gave them nightmares.

"D-don't touch Y/n! I'll kill you!" F/n screams, holding his wife's old sword and swung it towards the six-eyed man. His hands trembled, along with his knees which buckled in fear. He had never faced a demon after Y/n came back years ago, it scared him when he felt the man's aura.

The demon glanced at him frowned, "You're not even worth of praise, why did Obaasan ever pick such a weak man?" Kokushibou muttered before pushing him aside, which sent F/n against the wall, his skull cracking and killing him immediately.

"F/n! Are you alright!? Answer me!please!"

As F/n slid off the wall, Kokushibou walked towards his aunt's soon to be death bed.

Y/n laid there, trembling in anger. Her hands gripped her blanket tightly as she gritted her teeth. Her brows scrunched while tears trailed down the side of her face. "H-How dare you! I raised you like you're my own son!" She forced herself to shout, unable to keep her emotions in as the boy she saw as a son killed the love of her life.

"F/n" she thought, struggling to keep her sobs down. "I-I treated you with same love as I did with Yoriichi! How could you turn your back on me- ah!"

Kokushibou's sword pierced down on Y/n's chest, his sword going through her spine and into the floor.

Pain was so unbearable that Y/n couldn't speak or move, afraid that it'll make everything worse. She had forgotten to breathe, the pain was too much to bear alone.

"You never loved me with the same as Yoriichi, you preferred him over me. Because he's special, right?" Kokushibou asks, lifting his sword up and stabbing it down again. "You left me because you think he has more potential right!?"

Blood came out Y/n's mouth as Kokushibou continued to stab her already frail body. She could feel her head lighten at the blood she's rapidly losing. "It... hurts... so much..." Y/n thought, tearing up at the pain and betrayal she felt. "Why-

Years later...............

Yoriichi stood before Kokushibou, his hands gripped his sword, tears running down his face while Kokushibou glared at him while he held his neck and head together.

"You! You! You-

"Why?" Yoriichi asks, looking up at him. "Why must you kill Obaasan and steal her childrens' life with a family?" He asks him tearfully. Looking down, he leaned with his sword. "Why must you kill your own children and wife just because of your anger?"

Kokushibou glares at him and grabbed his sword. "Do you think I care?! You always had this life I always hpwanted! You had Obaasan and strength that exceeds others! Life's giving you no hardships like I do!!" He shouts before dashing towards him and cutting his hand off.

"Life's always unfair Michikatsu, don't forget that"


Yoriichi slices Kokushibou's head off his shoulders clean. He watches as his brother's head drops down on the ground.

Crouching down p, he sees his brother's shocked expression and sighed. "There's not a single day that Obaasan hadn't worried for your well-being, Onii-sama" Yoriichi tells him, softly smiling at him. "I just wished that you saw past her walls and cherished her boundless care for you"


Uwaa!!~ I'm finally done! Arigato for everyone who stayed until the end! Sorry if I killed you guys again!

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