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I know that the STORY line is very different from the original plot. But do not worry, it's a part of my plan.

And also, you are still not married, so you still use your normal last name which is l/n

And also, you are still not married, so you still use your normal last name which is l/n

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Oh, and since its the taisho era, this is what you'll wear for the time being.

That clothing is supposed to be in heian era... I think but I'll just skip it over.

Y/n turns to the small Yoriichi, "Do you want to eat some vegetables or meat?" She asks the boy who smiled at her.

"How adorable. I can't believe Hiro would hate such a cute boy like Yoriichi-kun" she thought, smiling back.

"Anything Obasan thinks would be best" he says, holding his bowl and chopsticks.

The woman held her squeals at the cuteness of the cute boy. "Ok! Then mixed vegetables and meat then!" She exclaims happily.

She grabs some vegetables and meat and placed it all on Yoriichi's bowl and on top his rice. "There yo go Yoriichi! Be sure to eat however you want!" She tells him, smiling ever so brightly.

Yoriichi smiles and nods, "Of course Obasan" he replies before eating.

Y/n held on a tight smiles and forced it. She knew how Michikatsu acts about his brother getting attention. But it was one way for him to get taught that not everything is for you.

As the woman eats, she notices how tight Michikatsu gripped his chopsticks as he ate.

Removing her focus on the jealous boy, she mentally sighs, "Michikatsu is smart. I'm sure he'll know why I'm doing this coddling"

Well... No

"Y/n" Hiro called out while he ate, his eyes casted on his food.

The woman did not look at him and continued string at her food, still carrying a grudge to what he dared say earlier.

"I'll be sending Yoriichi to the temple, that is my final decision" he states nonchalantly.

Y/N's eyes widen along with Michikatsu. The woman's hand hits the table, startling the boys.

"What?! Are you serious Hiro?!" Y/n screams, now turned to him as she glared.

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