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I decided to change something in the plot ok? If you read the manga, you'll know it immediately.

And ps. The girl I use as the reader (y/n) is really random. I can't draw multiple same faces, can I?


"L/N-sama!~ you're back!~" A woman called out, her hair black as the night sky and her eyes lavender, the same color as the wisteria flowers that bloomed around the base. Her skin milky smooth and lips were as red as an apple.

The h/c haired woman glanced to who had called her and smiles as he gaze landed on the other woman

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The h/c haired woman glanced to who had called her and smiles as he gaze landed on the other woman. "Meana-sama, nice too see you looking well" she greets, bowing slightly in respect.

"Oh don't need to bow to me, we're the same age" Meana hushed, waving her up quickly

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"Oh don't need to bow to me, we're the same age" Meana hushed, waving her up quickly. "You're gonna make me get old faster"

Y/n giggles at the woman's beliefs and only shook her head. "You're still the Oyakata-sama's wife, how could I not?" Stated Y/n, her lips pulled up in a warm smile.

Meana huffed and puffed her cheeks, her brows furrowed as she squints at her. "Oh really?~ you're just bowing because your nephew is here~" she teased, hitting her hip with Y/n.

The e/c haired woman stumbles at the collision, laughing. "Ok ok, fine. You really need to shut up about that, I need to be a proper adult for him" said Y/n, her eyes softening as she thought about what would be best for Yoriichi. . .

True, that a demon slaying corps would be not safe unlike before but. . .if Yoriichi decided to make a family with the demons still not eradicated. . .then who's gonna protect them when she dies of old age? Even when she's old now just didn't have time to even think about having a family. . .she would only cause them hardships due to the corp's tight rules.

(^can you read it? If not just say and I'll make some space)

Meana's lavender colored eyes softened as she gazed at the other woman. She had pitied Y/n when she knew about her story.

Y/n. . . a cast out of the family . . . made herself alone at the fear of people learning about her unknown skill. She had left her family's clutches at a young age . . .that is when her whole family was massacred by a demon . . .that's why she treasure her older twin sister and protected her sister's family.

She still remembered when Y/n was first recruited by a hashira. . .

"Yes, Oyakata-sama. This is the girl I talked to you about" A man in his thirties stated to the young master who was riddled with bandages.

"Ah... Y/n was her name right?" The sickly boy asks, coughing while his wife, Meana held his side. His curse had grew so much faster than the others. . .despite being such in a young age. . .he was already waiting for death's door.

The man nods, "Hai" he replied, moving aside to show the still shaken up girl. Her body was stiff as a board.

Meana's gaze softens, the look on the girl

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Meana's gaze softens, the look on the girl. From only seeing her features, she could tell that they were about the same age, only. . .Y/n was older.

"What's her features?" The ill man asks his wife. His pale gray eyes were striking.

"She has long h/c hair which ends just by her elbows, her eyes are bright e/c, similar to a color of (something) and her skin is light and smooth, she probably is a noble or a part of a high standing family due to her clothes" Informed Meana.

"It seems that dear Y/n has quite the beauty then. . .I would feel bad to have her be a demon slayer. Considering that it takes--

"I'll join"

The three of them stopped to l9ok at the girl. Surprise evident on their faces, mouths slightly agape.

"Are you sure about that, Y/n? The life you'll enter would be quite hard" The master questions, not really wanting to have the the woman change her life.

Y/n's complexion darkens. As much as her time with her family was not too many, they still had a special place in her heart. Her fists clenched tightly that her knuckles slowly turned white.

Her veins pulsed as she felt anger seep into her being.

"I swear I'll kill that man, Kibutsuji Muzan!" She thundered, fuming.

Suddenly. . .their eyes widen in surprise.

"Have you really not told her yet?" The ill boy asks the man who had brought the young woman to the base.

The man who was bowing sweats as he stared at the wooden floor. "H-hai, I never told her the name or anything" he answered.

The ill boy's lips pursued as he thought about it. "Just how did she learn of that name then?" He mumbled to himself before turning to the bowing man. "Find out on how she knows Kibutsuji's name, report to me as soon as you can"

"Hai, Oyakata-sama"

Meana smiled softly before turning to leave, Y/n notices this and slight frowned. "You're leaving already? You just came"

"Haha. . . Don't be such a child, Y/n. I'll visit tomorrow, you're tired from the journey" Meana excused, slipping her her feet in her wooden slippers.

Y/N's frown falters before smiling fondly at her. "Ok then, be safe back" she says.

The other woman only laughs as she soflty grabbed wooden lantern. "Of course, as always"

As she walked away, Y/n watched her, leaning against the door. Before Meana could truly leave, she turns to her.

"Don't forget to come by tomorrow. Don't forget the little girl we'll be entrusting to you"

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