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In rare days that Namjoon (-oppa) takes a break, he would serve me. His words, not mine.

Today is one of those rare days. Right now, I am streaming my favourite YouTuber while eating my favourite chips and a can of coke.

Namjoon, on the other hand, was sweeping using his favourite and trusty broom. Don't get me wrong; I offered to help. I am not heartless after all, and I want him to spend days like this resting, not cleaning.

I understand his sentiments. He once told me, "I married you to be my wife, not a maid to take care of the house. I am already absent most of the times; please let me make it up to you by serving you and helping you in small things."

So I let him.

"(Y/n)," he called me.

I looked at him. "Hmm?"

He sighed and looked at me. I shrugged. I wonder what his problem was. Anyways, the video ended, and I am almost out of the chips. I stood up and noticed the crumbles and the powdered flavouring of the chips on my shirt.

I shook it off, made my way to the cupboard in the kitchen. I felt Namjoon followed me.

I looked back at him. He was right behind me with the broom and the dustpan. I smiled at him, opened the cupboard grab a bag of chips, opened it and purposefully let some of the chips break and fall on to the floor.

"(Y/n)~" He whined.


"Stop it."

"Stop what?" I asked munching loudly, letting those crumbs fall.

Namjoon pouted. I ate another chip and another and another. He looked at me, inched closer until our face was centimetres away.

I swallowed nervously.


He moved a little closer until he dipped his head and ate the chip on my hand.

"No kisses for bad girls!"

He exclaimed and left while whistling.

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