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RECAP: Last week, Dr. Robins brought up the open option of surgery, regarding Erin's breast cancer. She would have to undergo a mastectomy and chemotherapy. Although, She declines the alternative and chooses to die when her body can no longer withstand. LaMelo is appalled because he feels like she's choosing death over a life spent with him. They're not on the same page at all....And it's showing.


Mr Loverman: As expressed, LaMelo defines himself as a lover; he has lost his identity as any other being and now feels incomplete knowing Erin would rather die than spend a life with him. He also understands she is hesitant of taking a fifty/fifty chance with life. He's hurting more than she might ever know, or care to understand....With a desire to showcase the melancholy feeling through a new perspective, we follow LaMelo and the story of his love interest, a rich girl who has now become independent. This chapter explains a way to depict two young teenagers in love who are coming to the end of their story together. This is a somewhat somber component of their relationship, featuring a hint of melodramatic segments.

"I'm Mr. Loverman.....And I miss my lover, man." -Ricky Montgomery

POV: LaMelo

Location: Detroit, Michigan📍

Friday: September 7

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm getting better."

"Shawty don't lie to me." I stared at the phone in my hand with intense anticipation for her next choice of words.

"I'm in stage two." She mumbled. "My phyllodes are growing but they're still contained in my breast."

"It hasn't spread?"


My chest released a small sigh of thankfulness towards her answer. If it get's to her skin or bones, there's no way Erin will have a chance of survival....Well, the odds will be very small. A big piece of my conscious wants to bring up the conversation topic of surgery, but then I remember Lil Mama needs me right now, and forcing her to consider something we've already talked about multiple times, doesn't seem healthy or ideal.

It's been two weeks since I've heard her voice, and overall I don't want anything between us to become tense. I desire to spend as much time talking to her, learning about her, and connecting with her, before anything happens in the time I'm away.

"Do we have to talk about my cancer?"

"No." I chuckled. "How's KJ?"

"His lupus is getting really aggressive on his lungs, so he needs an oxygen tank...But they moved his bed into my room because he wouldn't stop crying last night."

"He's okay though, right?"

"Yea....Nurse Molly has him on light melatonin to help him sleep, pretty much all day."

"I hate to hear, that he's in pain."

"I hate to see it." Erin huffed.

"Have you heard anything about his parents?"

"They left him here at birth."


"That's what Dr. Robins told me...Apparently, he was a preemie and his parents abandon the hospital one night. I guess since they haven't been able to contact them, KJ was declared an orphan."

"But they continue to provide treatment for him?"

"I'm pretty sure Molly pays for everything....Even though it's illegal, Jerry said if you're sneaky enough, it's possible."

FIFTY/FIFTY - LAMELO BALLWhere stories live. Discover now