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RECAP: Yesterday, on Wednesday night, LaMelo and NewNew accompanied each other in the Chino Hills mall. Their friends spent time away so they could be alone. Nevertheless the night was successful, and they both got to know each other better. They shared their first kiss together right before NewNew was dropped off at home by the twins. Little did she know, her parents got home from the banquet early....and they were heated.


POV: NewNew

Location: West Covina📍

Thursday: June 7th

"Get in the car." My mother grabbed the silver spoon out of my hand as well as my bowl of cereal while I was eating. She walked in the kitchen and I stood up from the table, grabbing my book bag and resting it on my right shoulder.

Last night, she took the situation of me sneaking out to a different level. We haven't talked all morning, and I don't plan on speaking first.

"Good luck mija." Jackie handed me a brown paper bag with my lunch in it.


I'd rather walk five miles than get in this car with my mom. She hasn't even made eye contact with me since last night.

"Tonight, we're having a family meeting."

She started driving before I could even get situated. The seat belt to my right was hanging loosely, so I quickly placed my bag in the back seat, and strapped myself in the passenger seat.

"About what?"

"Don't act dumb Erin." She rolled her eyes. "What you did last night was unacceptable. Your father and I had no idea where you were."

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. It was true, I am, but she was blowing the situation out of proportion.

"Yea, sure you are."

My mother has a tendency to be really rude about everything, it's one of the biggest reasons why I don't want LaMelo to know who I am....if he knew how rude my parents are, that would probably scare him off.

The majority of the ride was completely quiet. My legs were crossed, and my perfectly ironed plaid skirt laid delicately. My socks were high, and my white converse held them up. When we had gotten to school, my mom unlocked the doors, and kept her focus away from me.

"Bye mom." I grabbed my bag from the back seat, and opened the door. She didn't say anything, so I closed the door behind me and got onto the side walk.

"Hey girl!" Jazlyn approached me.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a rough night."

"I heard that." She was really bubbly today. "Nate and I had sex."


"Yea, he told me he loves me."

"I don't think he means it Jaz. You and him have sex every single night....there's nothing different about it."

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