⚪️Dad Schlatt AU ~ 'Santa'⚪️

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Tw: Mention Of Bullying.

Backstory: (I think you'll be able to tell by the story 🍎👄🍎)

~Jschlatt POV~

"...come on Tubbo.."

I turn around to see My 6 year old sons hands placed on the glass, his head turned up, looking at a bee plushie.

"..Tubbo come on.."

He turns and looks at me with puppy eyes. "..don't give me that look.."

He continues to give me the eyes. "..maybe Santa will get you the plushie.." he slowly nods and we walk off.


I walk back to the store while tubbo is at school. I look in my wallet and see I have just enough for the plush. And I get it out of the display.

I pay for it and go back home to wrap the gifts.

When I get home, I put my things in my room and start to wrap them.

After about 10 minutes I'm done! And just in time too..tubbo is getting off of the bus. I quickly hide the presents in the back of my closet.

I walk to the living room and see tubbo unpacking his backpack.

"..hey bud.." I kneel down beside him and look at him. "..how was your day?.."

He didn't respond. And when I looked at his knees and elbows I saw cuts and bruises. "..Tubster?.. what happened?.."

He started crying and hugged me. "..Tubbo.."

"..th-the kids *hic* at school pushed me *hic* down and laughed a-at me Papa.." he said, tears running down his cheeks, his nose was runny, and his voice was breaking.

"..shhhh...it's okay Toby..I'm here..papa's here..no one will hurt you.."

We sat in a comfortable silence, he was calming down, while I was walking around, with him in my arms looking for a blanket.

Soon enough i found one. And covered him up in it. He fell asleep in my arms and I had to put him in his bed.

I walked to his room, which—ironically—is beside my bedroom, and put him in his bed, tucking him in and kissing his forehead. "..goodnight Tubs..."

I walk back to the living room and start cleaning up, then realizing it was Christmas Eve. "..shit.." I look up at our Christmas Tree, and then look at the time. I still had time to put the presents under the tree.

I look in Toby's backpack and see a present. I pull it out and look at the tag, seeing "To:Papa, From:Toby"

I don't want to open it now, so I put it under the tree. And now I wait..

~Another Timeskip-~

I look back up at the time and then quickly run to my room, getting the 24 presents from the closet and put them under the tree. And I look over at Toby's gift for me, and put it at the back, along with the bee plushie gift. I walk back to Toby's room and sit in a chair. I soon fall asleep...

~ANOTHER Timeskip, and Tubbos POV~
Wake up time...

I wake up and see papa in a chair. "..papa?.." I get out of bed and walk over to him, grabbing a blanket and covering him up in it. "..I wove you Papa..." I say, walking out of the room.

I then look around for my gift for Papa, and the cookies. They were all gone!! "..where's papa's gift?.." I look around for it and find it in the back of the pile of presents.

"..oh- Thank You Santa!!"

~POV Schlatt~

I woke up, under a blanket. "..Tubbo?.." I sit up and walk into the living room. "..Tubster?— oh, Hi kid.." I kneel down in front of him and pat his head.

"..wanna open the presents?.." he nods in agreement. "..hm..looks like Santa brought a lot this year huh?.."

"mhm! Can I open the big one first?" He says, grabbing the biggest one first. "..sure bud.."


After 23 of them were open, he gets to the back, with me and his gifts were. "..papa can you open yours first?" I only nod and take the present.

"..it's a bit heavy don't you think?.." I tear the paper off and open the box. Seeing a new coffee mug. "..tubbo.." I can already feel the tears start flooding my eyes. "..I-I thought..since you broke your other cup..y-you might've wanted a new one!" He says, looking a little embarrassed.

"..it's the best gift, I've ever gotten tubbo.." I give him a hug and he hugs me back. "..alright, let's open that last present bud." I let him go and grab the last present and give it to him.

"..it's really light..." he says, shaking the box, and soon tearing it open, seeing the bee plush.

His mouth opened, and he grabbed the bee and squeezed it. "I LOVE IT!!"

I chuckle, and pat his head. "..let's go get you something to eat now, okay?" He just it's nods and follows me to the kitchen.

"You want some cereal?" "Yeah!!" I smile. "..which kind?"

He points to the Honey Nut Cheerios. "..alright.."

I never thought a kid would like Cheerios..

I fix him some cereal and pat his head, turning on the T.V.

I then clean up all the trash on the ground from this morning.

Today was really relaxing..I really want it to stay like this forever...



Word count:929

Thank you all so much for 100 reads! It means the world to me! A new chapter's coming soon!! Please be patient!!

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